GFA223-How Amazon FBA Prep From China Works with Forest Shipping

GFA223-How Amazon FBA Prep From China Works with Forest Shipping


How Amazon FBA Prep From China Works with Forest Shipping

Michael Michelini April 26, 2018BusinessEcommercePodcast

Now, I know how you guys love logistics! It is a necessary and imperative part of any e-commerce business, or import/export product based business in general. So we are bringing on Forest Zhang, founder of Forest Shipping who has an amazing FBA prep business based here in Shenzhen, China. As a female entrepreneur as well as mother, she is doing exceptional in growing and scaling this focused business on the Amazon FBA prep niche and today she shares insights on what Amazon sellers should know when preparing to prep (pun intended) for their Amazon orders, enjoy!

She is also a sponsor of this year’s Cross Border Summit and we will do a fireside chat together at the conference – thank you Forest and Forest Shipping – now enjoy everyone!

