The Art of Fashion-An interview with Ashley Evans(13-18岁)

The Art of Fashion-An interview with Ashley Evans(13-18岁)


“Fashion is all about your own personality,” says fashion designer Ashley Evans. Ashley has been a famous fashion designer for more than twenty years, and today she told me what she’s learned about clothes, style and life.

“Think about when and where you will be wearing your clothes,” she said. “If you’re going to be riding a bike every day, you can buy sporty clothes like hoodies, cotton trousers and T-shirts. If you like reading books in the park; you could look for casual clothes like dresses, “jeans and sweaters.”

Ashley thinks it’s important to match your clothes carefully. “Try matching a light blue wool sweater with dark blue jeans, or with a pair of brown cotton trousers.”

“Also, think about formal and informal clothes,” she said. “I could wear a smart long-sleeved shirt with this skirt, but I couldn’t wear a T-shirt – the T-shirt doesn’t

match the skirt because it’s too casual.”

  • Young_zr5
