Wild Swan 野天鹅 Chapter 2 (1~2)

Wild Swan 野天鹅 Chapter 2 (1~2)


Chapter 2

The next day, the queen and the brothers went to the lake. It was a beautiful day. It was sunny, and the birds were singing in the trees. The lunch was delicious. These cookies are great. What are they? They are special cookies my family makes. They are called swan cakes.

Swan cakes? Why do you call them swan cakes? Because anyone who eats them turns into a swan. What?! Oh, no! I’m not an ordinary queen. I’m a powerful witch, and I will turn you all into wild swans. Suddenly, the boys’ arms turned into wings. Their necks grew long and thin. Their noses became black beaks. And white feathers grew all over their bodies. Now fly away. Fly far, far away! The eleven swans flew away into the sky. The queen laughed and laughed. Then she hurried back to the king. She rubbed her eyes and pretended to cry. Oh, husband, it was terrible. Your sons and I had a picnic by the lake. Then they wanted to go swimming. I told them to wait. You should not swim right after you eat. But they didn’t listen. They all jumped into the lake, and they all drowned. It was so terrible. All my sons are drowned?

