30天掌握四级核心词汇-Day 15

30天掌握四级核心词汇-Day 15





impressive /ɪm'presɪv/ adj.给人印象深刻的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:a impressive movie一部感人的电影


incident /'ɪnsɪdənt/ n.发生的事;事件

知米背单词给出的搭配是:a controversial incident有争议的事件

Xi’an incident西安事变


incline /ɪn'klaɪn/ n.倾斜;斜面v.使倾斜

知米背单词给出的搭配是:incline to the right向右倾斜

incline forward to hear somebody向前弯腰以听清某人的讲话


increasingly /ɪn'kriːsɪŋli/ adv.逐渐地,渐增地

知米背单词给出的搭配是:be in an increasingly difficult situation处于越来越困难的境地

Increasingly lonely日益孤独


incredible /ɪn'kredəbl/ adj.难以置信的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:make an incredible record创造令人惊讶的记录

experience an incredible transformation经历非同寻常的转变


index /'ɪndeks/ n.索引;指数;指标

知米背单词给出的搭配是:The book has an index in the back.这本书后面有一个索引。


indicate /'ɪndɪkeɪt/ v.标示,表示;表明

知米背单词给出的搭配是:the blue sky indicates fine weather蓝天暗示好天气


indicate imply

①indicate   指明显的表示。




indifferent /ɪn'dɪfrənt/ adj.漠不关心的,中立的

知米背单词给出的搭配是: indifferent expression冷漠的表情

hold an indifferent attitude toward sth.对某事持冷漠的态度


As a matter of fact, intelligent   people in large numbers have come to realize the bad impacts of Internet   on/upon our life: indifferent and alienated relationship.(2013.12)



indirect /ˌɪndə'rekt/ adj.间接的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:indirect route曲折的线路

the indirect cause of the accident事故的间接原因


indispensable /ˌɪndɪs'pensəbl/ adj.必不可少的,必需的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:an indispensable element不可或缺的部分


individual /ˌɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəl/ n.个体,个人adj.个别的,独特的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:from my individual experience从我个人经验来看



induce /ɪn'djuːs/ v.劝诱;导致;促使

知米背单词给出的搭配是:be induced by advertisement受广告的引诱   


inevitable /ɪn'evɪtəbl/ adj.不可避免的;必然的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:This is an inevitable challenge.这个难题是不可避免的。


Neighbor problems may sometimes seem inevitable, but it’s important to resolve them fairly.(2013.12)




infect /ɪn'fekt/  v.传染;感染

知米背单词给出的搭配是:infect with把……传染给…… ;使……充满(某种感情)


infer /ɪn'fɜː(r)/ v.推论,推断;猜想

知米背单词给出的搭配是:infer an unknown fact推断未知的事实


inferior /ɪn'fɪərɪə(r)/ adj.下等的;劣等的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:be inferior to others in many aspects在很多方面不如人家


infinite /'ɪnfɪnət/ adj.无限的;无数的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:an infinite number无穷大的数


inform /ɪn'fɔːm/ v.通知,向……报告  

知米背单词给出的搭配是:inform sb of sth/that通知某人某事 

inform sb. in advance事前通知某人


ingredient /ɪn'ɡriːdiənt/ n.成分;因素

知米背单词给出的搭配是:a vital ingredient of success成功的重要因素


inhabitant  /ɪn'hæbɪtənt/ n.居民,住户

知米背单词给出的搭配是:local inhabitant当地居民


inherit /ɪn'herɪt/ v.继承

知米背单词给出的搭配是:inherit from从……继承…… 

inherit the estate继承房产


initial /ɪ'nɪʃl/ adj.最初的;词首的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:the initial impression初次印象


It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the   organizational constraints influence wage increases.(2003.12)



initiative /ɪ'nɪʃətɪv/ n.主动性,首创精神,倡议

知米背单词给出的搭配是:on his own initiative主动


injection /ɪn'dʒekʃn/ n.注射,注入;充满

知米背单词给出的搭配是:have an injection打一针


innocent /ɪnəsnt/ adj.无罪的,无知的,不懂事的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:a pretty innocent question相当无知的问题

The little girl is innocent and lively.这个小女孩非常天真活泼。


inquire /ɪn'kwaɪə(r)/ v.询问;调查;讯问

知米背单词给出的搭配是:inquire about询问,打听

inquire after   问起(某人的情况),问候   


insight /'ɪnsaɪt/ n.洞察力,见识

知米背单词给出的搭配是:insight into sth深刻理解,洞察…… 

valuable insight宝贵的见地   


inspire /ɪn'spaɪə(r)/ v.鼓舞;给……以灵感

知米背单词给出的搭配是:inspire imagination激发想象

inspire the initiative of the staff激发员工的工作积极性


The television repairman who wears   uniform tends to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian   clothes.(2000.6)电视维修工身穿便服更易激发信任感。


install /ɪn'stɔːl/ v.安装,设置

知米背单词给出的搭配是:install a desk lamp on the desk在书桌上装台灯  


instance /'ɪnstəns/ n.例子,实例,事例

知米背单词给出的搭配是:occasional instance偶然的事件

rate instance罕见的事件


instant /'ɪnstənt/ adj.立即的,即时的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:flee in an instant瞬间逃跑

instant action立即行动


Students find   instant feedback helps improve their learning considerably.(2015.6)



instinct /'ɪnstɪŋkt/ n.本能;直觉;生性

知米背单词给出的搭配是:follow one’s instinct凭直觉行动


instruct /ɪn'strʌkt/ v.教;指示;通知

知米背单词给出的搭配是:instruct students’ composition指导学生写作


instrument /'ɪnstrəmənt/ n.仪器;工具;乐器

知米背单词给出的搭配是:writing instrument书写工具


insult /ɪn'sʌlt/ n.侮辱,无礼

知米背单词给出的搭配是:insult me by such a remark用言辞侮辱我


insurance /ɪn'ʃʊərəns/ n.保险;保险费

知米背单词给出的搭配是:social insurance社会保险


insure  /ɪn'ʃʊə(r)/   v.给……保险;确保

知米背单词给出的搭配是:insure against为……保……险;防止


integrate /'ɪntɪɡreɪt/ v.综合,使成整体,使结合

知米背单词给出的搭配是:integrate into与……成为一体

integrate with与……结合在一起


intelligent /ɪn'telɪdʒənt/ adj.聪明的;有才智的;伶俐的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:It was an intelligent decision那是个明智的决定。


intend /ɪn'teənd/ v.想要,打算;意指

知米背单词给出的搭配是:intend for希望……加入……


The recent survey demonstrates that   a host of youngsters intend to experience different cultures, enrich   knowledge and expand horizons in tours.(2014.12)



intense /ɪn'tens/ adj.非常的,紧张的,强烈的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:an intense debate激烈的讨论

intense dislike强烈的反感


intensive /ɪn'tensɪv/ adj.加强的;精耕细作的

知米背单词给出的搭配是:intensive reading 精读

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