Keepa secret 保守秘密
To confide in someone 信任某人(告诉他自己的秘密)
Be someone’s confidant 可以信任的老铁
Confidential 机密(adj)
Confidentiality 保密,机密 (n)
I told you this in strict confidentiality
Doctor-patient confidentiality agreement 医患保密协议
Leakingthe secret
Leak the secret 泄露秘密
Divulge information 泄露信息
Disclose information 披露信息
to tell on somebody 告密(较长用于孩子之间)
I can’t believe you told on me!
to snitch on somebody 告发(做内奸)
He snitched (on his friends).
Tattletale 告密者
You are such a tattletale!
To blow the whistle
He is going to blow the whistle and reporthis colleague to the boss.
Hush money 封口费
This is the hush money they gave me to shutme up.
My lips are sealed. 我嘴巴很严的
Just between you and me 这事你知我知啊(别在外传了)
Just between you and me, Christine isgetting fired!
Let somebody in on (a secret) 告诉你个小秘密
I will let you in on a little secret, Ihave never tried alcohol before.
(Tell somebody something) off therecord 不宜公开发表
The official statement is that he decidedto change careers, but off the record he was fired.
Happy Again.
英语主播璐璐 回复 @1356310gkgh:
长期坚持听,听力提高了不上,Thank you so much.
1396307dnxg 回复 @Sally_mgy: 同感