003 | Coming Out as a Modern Family

003 | Coming Out as a Modern Family


Modern Love是《纽约时报》最受欢迎的专栏之一,刊登的是读者投稿的真实情感故事。




003 | Coming Out as a Modern Family

When my 12-year-old son, Jackson, asked me if there was something I wasn’t telling him, I replied, “There are a lot of things I don’t tell you.”

“Like what?”

“Adult stuff.”

He persisted: “What kind of adult stuff?”

This was the moment I had been anticipating and dreading for months. “Like romantic stuff,” I said, fumbling for words.

“What kind of romantic stuff?”

“Well,” I said. “Like how sometimes you can be friends with someone, and then it turns romantic, and then you’re friends again. Like with Dad and me. Or romantic like Bryn and me were, and then he and I became friends.”

“So are you romantic with anyone right now?” he asked.

I took a deep breath, knowing that my answer, and his response, would have an impact on our lives for a very long time.

He was right; I was with someone romantically and I hadn’t told him. I had become involved with a woman who was my best friend, and, as it happens, a person who is like a godmother to my son.

How and when should I tell him? When I explained the situation to a therapist, she smiled and said, “Your son may say a lot of things about you when he’s older, but he will never say his mother was boring.”

Her advice was to wait until he asked. And now here he was, asking.

About a year before this conversation, I had been sitting in my garden in California, looking through photos and old journals I have kept since childhood. From a green tattered notebook with ink hearts drawn on it to the one I started in Haiti while helping after the earthquake there in January 2010, the journals told stories that seemed woven together by a similar theme.


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  • NeverDone123


    听友239613794 回复 @NeverDone123: 六月了,有人~谁提醒下播主云链接过期了,哈哈哈哈~看不到文本了~

  • 卓文_1q

    a modern family is just a more honest family, 说的真好!

  • NeverDone123


  • 听友239613794


    1734385ukjf 回复 @听友239613794: 我也是!!哈哈哈哈哈哈

  • 川屿森岛


    NeverDone123 回复 @川屿森岛: 额⊙∀⊙!