the best education i ever received was through travel
Lily,I wonder how you met your landlord. As a person who never been to USA, I am curious about life in USA. How you find a native family to live with or rent a room? Did u pay for it? Can u talk about the details?
学英语环游世界 回复 @英法小魔女: You can use airbnb to find your landlord all over the world now.
拜托莉莉老师 觉得恐怖片恶心和恐怖就不要细说了好不好 顾及一下有的听众一点也接受不了恐怖片的心情在高高兴兴的地洗着碗听节目,突然说到恐怖片!赶紧手湿湿的去关手机……
学英语环游世界 回复 @nina11223: 对不起啦
老师能推荐一下 有什么广播吗
horror film