Nij: Hello, my name is Nij, and today on ImagineThis, I'm going for a run next to my favourite river!
[Footstepsrunning alongside a gentle stream of water]
Nij: (out of breath)and I'm getting a little thirsty...
Kid 1: Have some water!
Nij: Yeah,good idea, but I can’t find a tap or a bubbler anywhere. Maybe I can have adrink from the river…
Kid 2: Noo!
Nij: Well, how about a little sip from that puddle?
Kid 1: No!It’s dirty
Kid 2: It might make you sick
Nij: What about that one? It looks pretty fresh
[Smallsplash of water]
Kid 1: No! Its dirty!
Nij: Ah yes and that’s what today’s question isall about
Kid 2: Hi my name is Ella, and I want to know howis water made clean to drink?
Nij: How do wecleanwater?
Kid 2: I don’t know
Nij: A scrubbing brush?
Kid 1: No
Nij: Shampoo?
Kid 2: No
Nij: (laughing)A loofah?
Kid 1: (laughing)No!
Nij: Well, how?
Kid 2: We filter it
Kid 1: Because there’s viruses and dirt
Kid 2: There are some sort of special chemicals weuse and it goes through the tap water
Kid 1: And it comes out fresh
Nij: I reckon we should talk to my friend Dr AnnaRigosi, she’s a water scientist and knows lots about clean drinking water.Let’s go say hello!
[Music endson a bright flourish. A doorbell chimes and a door swings open]
Nij: Hi Anna
Anna: Hi Nij, hello kids
Kid 2: Hi Dr Rigosi
Kid 1: Hi Anna
Kid 2: Hi Anna
Nij: We have a question for you, but first can I pleasehave a glass of water? I’m really thirsty!
Anna: (laughing)Of course!
[Tap turnson, water fills a glass. Nij has a few quick sips]
Nij: Wow, that’s so much better. Thank you
Anna: Prego! So, what was your question?
Nij: How is water made clean enough so that we candrink it?
Anna: How about we imagine we’re drops of water sowe can take the great water journey together
Kid 1: Yeah!
[Magicaltransformation into raindrops begins]
Nij: I’m going see-through!
Anna: I’m all wobbly
Nij: And I’m shrinking!
[Rain dropsfall and thunder rumbles]
Kid 2: Pitter patter pitter patter
Nij: I’m flying! No wait, I’m falling! Ahhh!
Kid 1: I’m wet, I’m soaking, I’m falling
Kid 2: Weeee!
Nij: Looks like we’re falling into a huge lake.Hold on everyone!
Anna: We’re coming in for a wet landing
Nij: Get ready for a splash! Wee!
Kid 1: Wahoo!
[There’s a splashas Anna, Nij and the kids fall into the water catchment area. There are frogscroaking and insects chirping, with birds calling in the distance]
Nij: Look at all this water!
Anna: Yes, it’s enough for a whole city to drink!
Kid 2: Where does it come from?
Anna: Well, this is called a water catchment area
Nij: Ah cos theycatchthe water
Anna: Yes, from rivers and lakes, rain from the skyand even water that sits underground
Kid 2: Ew there’s bird poo in here
Kid 1: And a frog
Nij: Ew! We’re dirty water!
Anna: Of course, it comes from nature! There’s dirtand sand and mud
Nij: We can’t drink this!
Kid 2: Ahh! There’s a fish!
Anna: Don’t worry, the fish won’t make it into thetaps. The first step of cleaning water to drink is getting all these big bitsout
Kid 1: How?
Anna: Follow the stream
[Watermovement and the sound of a drain gurgling]
Nij: I can feel us being pulled down
Kid 2: It’s like we’re going down the drain!
Anna: Yes, we’re heading into the water treatmentplant
Kid 1: Woah that a big pipe
Kid 2: It’s sucking us in!
Nij: We’re going through a net. Feels kinda nice!
Anna: This makes sure the big stuff stays out andjust the water comes in
Nij: Here we go!
[Suckingdrain gets louder and there is a flourish of water movement and bubbles]
Anna: Here we are, in the sedimentation tank!
[There is nosound except a few stray bubbles]
Nij: Anna, there’s nothing happening
Anna: Exactly. Sedimentation is when you let watersit still. After a while, all the dirt and sand sinks to the bottom
Kid 1: And clean water is on the top?
Anna: Well, it’s cleaner, but it’s not cleandrinking water yet. After sedimentation, the water is much clearer
Nij: Yeah look, the water is changing colour –it’s clear at the top and dark at the bottom
Anna: Exactly, the clear water is taken from thetop of the tank and moved to the next step
Nij: Where to next?
Anna: Filtration! Come on
[There isanother flourish of water movement and bubbles]
Nij: (straining)I can’t move! We’re stuck!
Kid 2: We’re stuck in sand!
Nij: Yeah, there’s tonnes of it
Kid 1: Eee! This is sticky
Nij: Didn’t we just get rid of all this?
Anna: Yes, but this sand is special. It’s being usedtofilterthe water
Nij: How is sand cleaning the water?
Kid 2: Because of the small gaps, maybe the waterwill sink all the way down
Kid 1: The bad stuff sticks to the sand and it dropsdown then you can drink it
Anna: Yes! The sand is really, really fine. Thatmeans each grain is very small, almost like powder. As the water moves throughthe sand, all the teeny tiny bits of dirt get stuck, but the water can movethrough it
Nij: Anna, can we drink it now?
Anna: Almost! There’s just one thing left to takeout, and it’s the smallest part
Nij: What’s that?
Anna: All the microscopic bacteria! Come on, let’swiggle through this sand and head onto the last stage
Kid 2: What is it?
Anna: Disinfection!
[There isanother flourish of water movement and bubbles]
Nij: Now this water is clear
Kid 1: Crystal clear!
Anna: Yes, all the steps we’ve been through havedone a great job at all the yucky things we don’t want to drink. Now the laststep is disinfecting it
Kid 2: The dirt has a lot of microbes and germs whichget all absorbed into the water
Anna: Exactly. They can make you sick so, achemical called chlorine is added to the water to kill all the bad germs
Nij: Chlorine – that’s what goes in swimming pools
Kid 1: Yes
Kid 2: Chlorine is in the pool
Nij: Yeah, and you’re not supposed to drink poolwater
Anna: There’s too much chlorine in a swimming pool todrink. But here in a water treatment plant, much less is added to the water.And, if the water is very clean at this stage, you don’t have to add much atall
Kid 2: Where does it go now?
Anna: In our cities, it’s sent out to all the tapsacross thousands of kilometres of pipes
Nij: Can we drink it now?
Anna: Yeah!
Nij: Woohoo!
[Slurpingand sipping sounds in the water]
Nij:(laughing)I’m drinking myself!
[Kids laugh]
Nij: Where else does this water go?
Anna: Well, it’s not just kitchen taps - it’sshowers, garden hoses and even toilets
Kid 1: What?!
Nij: After all this work cleaning it? It’s justgetting flushed down a toilet!?
Anna: That’s why it’s important to use water wisely.C’mon there’s one last stop on our drinking water journey
[There isanother flourish of water movement and bubbles. Outdoor farm noises fade in –cows mooing and dogs barking]
Nij: Hey! We’re on a farm
Kid 2: Hello cows!
Kid 1: Hello sheep
Nij: What do cows have to do with drinking water?
Anna: They have a lot to do with it!
Kid 2: What do you mean?
Anna: Because the way we uselandhas a bigeffect on water!
Kid 1: How?
Anna: Well, fresh water comes from lots of places.
Nij: Yeah, it can melt on snowy mountains and thenrun down into rivers and lakes
Anna: It can come from the ground under our feet
Kid 2: And from the sky too
Kid 1: From rain
Kid 2: And hail
Kid 1: And snow
Anna: It’s all connected in a great big water cycle
Nij: Does all of that water become drinking water?
Anna: It can become drinking water, but every stepon the water’s journey, it can get mixed with lots of things you don’t want todrink.
Kid 2: Like what?
Anna: Like fertilizer from big farms like this one,or plastics and other chemicals that end up in our waterways
Nij: Yuck we don’t wanna drink that
Kid 1: It’s bad
Anna: There are so many amazing ways to clean waterbut the best thing we can do, is make sure our waterstaysclean in thefirst place.
Kid 2: Use less plastic
Kid 1: Clean up the rubbish
Kid 2: Use less oil
Anna: And there are others too. Like eating fruitand veggies that are in season and that don’t have to travel too far to get toyour plate
Nij: Wow, farms, oceans, the supermarket! Drinkingwater is connected to so many things!
Anna: Yes, and it’s all the same water.
Nij: Yeah, we can’tmakemore water
Anna: It keeps moving through the water cycle
Kid 1: Water falls down as rain, and it flows downrivers, maybe in pipes into the ocean. Then it gets heated up then it becomesclouds and falls as rain again
Anna: That’s why it’s so important we take care ofthe world’s water
Nij: Thanks, Anna!
Kid 2: Thanks very much for having us
Kid 1: Thanks Anna
Kid 2: Bye
Kid 1: See you
Anna: Ciao!
Nij: Ciao
[Farm noisesfade under bright classical music]
Nij: So, the water that comes out of the tap
[Faucetsqueaking on]
has been on along journey. From rain in the sky
[Rain fallsand thunder rumbles]
Or water in awinding river
[Sound ofrushing river]
All the way to awater catchment area to be cleaned and treated. First, the water is cleanedwith screens to get the sticks and leaves out
Kid 1: … and the little fishies
Nij: Next, it’s left to sit still so all the dirtand mud sinks to the bottom
Kid 2: Sedimentation!
Nij: Then it’s pushed through very fine sand
Kid 1: It’s a filter!
Nij: to catch any tiny particles. Next, chemicalsare added, like chlorine, to kill any germs that could make us sick
[Sound of dissolvingchemical]
Until it’s readyto go through thousands of kilometres of pipes,
All the way tothe taps in your home
[Water glassbeing filled, a shower turns on, and a toilet flushes]
But that’s notthe end of the story, because it’s a cycle
Kid 2: The water cycle!
Nij: The water we use goes back into nature
[Sound ofbird calls and insects chirping]
We have to lookwater and all the land it passes through, from skies
to seas
to fields
[Cow moos]
to the tap
[Faucettightens off as music ends]