


The Americangovernment has approved the use of Apple AirPods as hearing aids.

The United StatesFood and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced it had approved newhearing aid software created for some AirPods devices. An Apple softwarerelease this week launched the system on the devices.

Apple said itsAirPods Pro 2 are equipped with the software. The company added that the designwill permit users to turn their AirPods into a medical-strength hearing aiddevice.

The system aimsto increase specific sounds in real-time, including parts of speech andelements within a users' environment. Apple says another goal of its softwarerelease is to get more people to try hearing aids.

An estimated 30million Americans – about 1 in 8 Americans over the age of 12 — have hearingloss in both ears. Millions could see improvements from hearing aids. But mosthave never tried them, the National Institute on Deafness and OtherCommunication Disorders says.

Many others havetried assistive devices, but choose not to use them. The reasons include highcost, poor quality, poor fit, how the devices look or other reasons. But inrecent years, there has been a push in the U.S. to get more people to try them.

In 2022, federalrules changed to permit some kinds of hearing aids to be sold without adoctor's order, or prescription. Such moves aimed to bring better and lesscostly models to patients.

Thehighest-quality hearing aids can cost from $1,000 to $2,500, or even more. Butsome over-the-counter models sell for between $400 and $500, said ElizabethStangl, a hearing expert at the University of Iowa. She spoke to The AssociatedPress.

Stangl said someof the less costly models are only effective at raising sound levels. But theylack the personal settings and noise blocking tools that can make hearing aidsmost helpful. AirPods cost $249 on Apple's website, and sometimes less from othersellers.

The launch of thesoftware is part of a series of health tools Apple has released over the years.Most of them were built for the Apple Watch. These include several tools forchecking heart and oxygen levels.

Apple's softwarerelease also includes built-in tests to help users find out if they havehearing loss and, if so, how severe it is. Those who do have hearing loss canthen set specific amplification levels.

Experts say thereare other, similar headphone devices on the market that could also be used toincrease sound levels for people with hearing loss. But many agree the AirPodsaddition is a good one, largely because of the way it could help normalize hearingaids for the public.

Barbara Kelley isthe director of the Hearing Loss Association of America. She told the AP thatAirPods are considered “mainstream” and already widely used. This could getpeople to try the devices if they have been resistant to the look oftraditional hearing aids.

Kelley noted thatmany health conditions have been linked to hearing loss. These includedepression, dementia and greater risk of falls. The majority of people with hearingloss are over age 60, but it can affect younger people as well, including thosewho suffered a hearing damaging event.

“Everything wedo, all our relationships, whether it's personal or in our work life, involvehearing conversation,” Kelley said. “We're finding now that the sooner thatpeople can pay attention to their hearing health, the better.”

The University ofIowa's Stangl noted the AirPods solution does come with possible issues somepeople may not like. Fit and comfort during long use might be one of these. Andwhile other hearing aids are built to last through a whole day or more, she saidthe battery life of the AirPods does not permit for that. She also said thatwearing AirPods might send a message to others that the person does not want tobe disturbed or spoken to.

“But we're hopingthat more people will try it and realize, ‘Yeah, these do help,'” Stangl said.

苹果表示,其AirPods Pro 2配备了该软件。该公司还提到,这一设计将允许用户将他们的AirPods转变为医疗级别的助听器设备。

此次软件的推出是苹果多年来发布的一系列健康工具的一部分。其中大部分工具是为Apple Watch设计的,包括几个用于检查心率和血氧水平的工具。
“但我们希望更多的人会尝试并意识到,‘是的,这些确实有帮助,’” 斯坦格尔说。
