2、A Day of Fishing
Little Henry really likes fishing. He and his dad spend a lot of time fishing on the river.
Most times, Henry catches fish and throws them back into the river. Sometimes, he has a competition with Dad to see who can catch the biggest fish.
It is Saturday again. Henry sits on the riverbank for almost an hour. Still, no fish bite. His dad smiles and says, "Fishing is a sport. It exercises your patience."
No problem. Henry loves fishing, even when he is not catching fish. He enjoys the river. He loves watching the birds on the water.
Suddenly, Henry feels something. He feels a tug at the end of the fishing rod.
"Dad, it's a big one!" Henry cries. His dad comes to help. Henry pulls and pulls. In his mind, he imagines a HUGE fish.
Finally, he brings it out of the water. But, it is not a fish. It's a turtle!