Breaking Habits
Let us find out how to understand this whole process of habit forming and habit breaking. We can take the example of smoking, and you cansubstitute your own habit, your own particular problem, and experimentwith your own problem directly as I amexperimenting with the problem of smoking. It is a problem, it becomes a problem, when I want to give itup;as long as I am satisfied with it, it is not a problem.The problem ariseswhen I have to do something about a particular habit, when the habitbecomes a disturbance. Smoking has created adisturbance, so I want to be free of it. I want to stop smoking; I want to be rid of it, to put itaside, so my approach to smoking is one ofresistance or condemnation. That is, I don’t want to smoke, so my approach is either to suppress it, condemn it, or to find a substitute for it—instead of smoking, to chew. Now, can I lookat the problem free ofcondemnation, justification, or suppression? Can I look atmy smoking without any sense of rejection? Try toexperiment with it now as I am talking, and you will see how extraordinarily difficult it is not to reject or accept. Because, our whole tradition, our whole background, isurging us to reject or to justify rather than to becurious about it. Instead of being passively watchful, the mind always operates on the problem.