0316读《World Finance》机器人不会取代全部的工作,但会带来巨大的改变

0316读《World Finance》机器人不会取代全部的工作,但会带来巨大的改变


Automation may not decimate the job market, but it does present significant challenges

machines will encroach further on manufacturing jobs as they become more adept at completing physical tasks that require dexterity and dynamic interactions 

Manufacturing change                                                                                

At highest risk of being automated are low-skilled jobs, particularly those with predictable and repetitive tasks that can easily be replicated by a machine, like fast food preparation and mechanical assembly.

Meanwhile, occupations requiring more abstract skills – those that are hard to codify and copy – will stand a lower risk of being automated. These jobs tend to involve social interactions or the application of expertise; 

“One pattern that becomes clear is that there is more erosion at the low end of the income distribution and low end of the skill distribution as opposed to the top of the distribution,” said Grace Lordan, Associate Professor of Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics.

however, the quickening rate of technological advancement could potentially set this era apart from previous ones. “In honesty, my feeling is that it is different,” said Lordan, pointing to the cratering housing market that precipitated the 2008 financial crisis as an example of an unprecedented event everyone thought impossible. “Things can happen for the first time, and you probably want to encourage policymakers to think about it.”

We have to support workers in adjusting to the change by getting the right training to get the right skills,” Zierahn said. “It seems that inequality is rising due to technological change because it is particularly the low-skilled workers who are most exposed and who suffer most from the change and who also have the hardest time finding new jobs.”

  • 南湾胖头鱼


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    栗子小岛 回复 @萤火虫_0py: 谢谢喜欢哈~不会吧 应该没有遗漏啊……

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    栗子小岛 回复 @听友40326786: 嗨小伙伴,谢谢你的喜欢💕

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