Topic 01 The 2015 New Year Resolutions

Topic 01 The 2015 New Year Resolutions


The 2015 New Year Reslutions 

Questions for dialogue 1: 

1. What are Xiao Gao’s New Year resolutions? Save up for a new car. 

2. What are Jingjing’s New Year resolutions? To be an early bird and start waking up early. 

3. What will Jingjing and Xiao Gao do tonight? They will paint the town red .


Dialogue 1: 

XiaoGao: Hey Jingjing, happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s already 2015! 

JingJing: Yeah, tell me about it. So, what do you have in mind for a New Year’s resolution? 

XiaoGao: Well, I think I’ll save up for a new car. I’m sick of riding my bike everywhere! 

Jingjing: I’ve gotta hand it to you, Xiao Gao, that sounds like a great idea. 

XiaoGao: And you? What are your New Year’s resolutions? 

Jingjing: I’m going to be an early bird and start waking up really early. 

XiaoGao: I’ll pass on that. I like sleeping in late! 

Jingjing: Anyways, what are you doing tonight? Shall we go paint the town red

XiaoGao: I’m game


tell me about it 就是说啊,真的是这样

have in mind

save up 攒钱

be sick of something)厌倦做某事

hand it to someone 赞扬某人,承认某人的长处,向某人致敬

early bird 早起的人

pass on something 拒绝做某事

sleep in 睡懒觉

paint the town red 去城里整夜狂欢

I’m game 我参加


Dialogue 2: 

XiaoGao: Hey Jingjing, I had a lot of fun with you last night, but next time I think I’ll call the shots, I didn’t like the bar we went to. 

Jingjing: Ah? I thought the place was phenomenal!  Hey, what’s the matter?  You seem upset… 

XiaoGao: Yeah, well the car I bought yesterday turned out to be a lemon. It looked great on the outside, but I never took it for a test drive. 

Jingjing: Xiao Gao! You know you can’t judge a book by its cover! 

XiaoGao: So did you follow your New Year’s resolution and wake up early this morning? 

Jingjing: Are you keeping tabs on me now? 

XiaoGao: Hey, chill out, I was just wondering.

Jingjing: As a matter of fact, I did. But now I’m really tired. I’m fielding for some coffee! 

XiaoGao: Come with me, I know a great place where we can get a cup of joe. 






call the shots 做决定

phenomenal  极好的

lemon  次品

you can’t judge a book by its cover  人不可貌相

keep tabs onsomething/someone 密切注意某人的行动

chill out 放松点儿;冷静

as a matter of fact 事实上

field 渴望某事

a cup of joe = a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡


  • 果然又是优秀的一天


  • 蒹葭_7t


  • 霏霏_2v

    Excellent !

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