第2339期: Water Sources on Moon More Widespread than Thought(2)

第2339期: Water Sources on Moon More Widespread than Thought(2)


They found that the sources of water and hydroxyl are believed to be contained in minerals on or just below the moon’s surface. 


Scientists involved in the research recently reported their results in a study published in the Planetary Science Journal. 


The research was led by Roger Clark, a senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute. 


In a press release announcing the findings, the researchers noted their discovery was made possible by data that the M3 instrument collected. They explained the instrument provides highly detailed data using imaging and infrared technologies. 

在宣布这一发现的新闻稿中,研究人员指出,他们的发现是通过 M3 仪器收集的数据实现的。他们解释说,该仪器利用成像和红外技术提供非常详细的数据。 

The M3 instrument, for example, can identify 85 different colors in its examinations of mineral compositions. This compares to normal digital cameras, which generally only record three colors. 

例如,M3 仪器在检查矿物成分时可以识别 85 种不同的颜色。与普通数码相机相比,普通数码相机通常只记录三种颜色。 

The researchers said, “Just like we see different colors from different materials, the infrared spectrometer can see many (infrared) colors to better determine the composition, including the water and hydroxyl." 


The team noted the water might have resulted from heating of rocks and soil or from chemical reactions that combined different hydroxyls to produce water, as well as oxygen. 


Clark, from the Planetary Science Institute, said both cratering and volcanic activity can bring water-rich materials to the surface. He noted that both are observed in the newly examined data. “We see a lunar surface with complex geology with significant water in the sub-surface and a surface layer of hydroxyl.” 


The discovery, Clark said, can be helpful to future exploration efforts on the moon. “Future astronauts may be able to find water even near the equator by exploiting these water-rich areas.” 


He added, “Knowing where water is located not only helps to understand lunar geologic history, but also where astronauts may find water in the future.”


