科技前沿 | Sam Altman:智能时代已来,未来的繁荣将难以想象

科技前沿 | Sam Altman:智能时代已来,未来的繁荣将难以想象


Sam Altman is a renowned entrepreneur and investor, currently serving as the CEO of OpenAI.

Sam Altman 是一位著名的企业家和投资者,目前担任 OpenAI 的首席执行官。

He believes that in the coming decades, we will achieve many things that once seemed impossible.

他认为,在接下来的几十年里,我们将能够实现许多曾被认为是不可能的事情。The Intelligence Age


In the coming decades, we will achieve many things that once seemed impossible.在接下来的几十年里,我们将能够实现许多曾被认为是不可能的事情。

This phenomenon isn't new, but it will be accelerated.这种现象并不新鲜,但将会加速。

Human capability has increased over time, not due to genetic changes, but because the infrastructure of society has become smarter.人类的能力随着时间而提升,而这并非因遗传变化,而是因为社会的基础设施变得更加智能。

Our grandparents contributed significantly to human progress, and AI will provide us with tools to solve problems that we couldn't tackle alone.我们的祖辈们为人类进步贡献了很多,AI将为我们提供解决难题的工具,帮助我们在无法独自解决的问题上取得进展。

In the future, everyone could have their own AI team, helping to realize nearly any imaginable idea.未来,每个人都可以拥有自己的AI团队,帮助实现几乎所有想象中的事情。

This newfound ability will lead to shared prosperity; while wealth doesn't guarantee happiness, it will greatly improve lives worldwide.这种能力将带来共享繁荣,虽然繁荣并不总能带来幸福,但会显著改善全球人们的生活。

After millennia of scientific and technological advancement, we have mastered deep learning, an algorithm that allows us to solve various problems with remarkable precision.经过千年的科学发现和技术进步,我们终于掌握了深度学习,这一算法让我们能够以更高的精度解决各种问题。

As technology evolves, AI will serve as personal assistants, executing specific tasks and aiding in the development of next-generation systems and scientific progress.随着技术的发展,AI将作为个人助理执行特定任务,帮助我们更好地制定下一代系统并推动科学进步。

To make AI accessible to more people, we need to lower computing costs and ensure resources are abundant.为了将AI普及给更多人,我们需要降低计算成本并确保资源的丰富。

The dawn of the Intelligence Age represents significant advancements and complex challenges.智能时代的到来意味着重大的发展和复杂的挑战。

While risks are present, the potential benefits are immense.虽然我们面临风险,但潜在的好处是巨大的。

Although future advancements will be incremental, remarkable achievements like climate repair and space colonization will gradually become reality.尽管未来的发展是渐进的,但像气候修复、太空殖民等惊人成就将逐渐成为现实。

We must proactively address the changes AI may bring to job markets.我们需要积极应对AI可能带来的工作市场变化。

Even if work transforms, people's creativity and desire to help one another will be amplified.即使工作形式改变,人们的创造力和互助愿望将被放大。

The future prosperity will be beyond our imagination.未来的繁荣将是我们难以想象的。

