E75 巍巍天险地,谋生百嶂中

E75 巍巍天险地,谋生百嶂中

E75 巍巍天险地,谋生百嶂中




The natives of this place profited from the natural hazards.

They made a business of salvaging wrecks and selling the boards for repair of other ships.

They also profited in the way of all resort towns from trade with the tourists, who were often compelled to remain there for days.

The torrents were such at this point that the boat usually had to be relieved of all its load and the passengers preferred to walk on land for their health.

From Tsekuei on, the back of the Giant Buffalo was visible on the distant horizon, towering above the tops of the nearer mountain ridges.

For they were now entering a section dominated by the giant Yellow Buffalo Mountain.

The rocks here were so strange that the Yellow Buffalo seemed to be led by a cowherd in blue, wearing a farmer's hat on his head, as the silhouette of the mountain was etched against the distant sky.

The local saying here described the dominating appearance of the buffalo as follows: "In the morning you start from the Buffalo and at night you stop at the Buffalo.

For three mornings and three nights you do not get away from the Buffalo."

The women here were of fair complexion and tied scarves with black polka dots on their heads.

The landscape vied in its beauty with that of the Wu Gorges, even surpassing it in the opinion of some travelers.

It was the kind of landscape that we usually see in Chinese paintings, with monoliths of unbelievable shapes standing against the horizon like a stone screen designed by God, or a group of stone giants, some with bended heads and some on their knees, offering their prayer to heaven.

On the riverbanks were formations of rock strata designed to impress men with Nature's grandeur.

Here a massive bluff with a flat surface would stand like a giant sword blade sticking its point into the bank.

Some distance below, before they were quite finished with the dangerous section of their voyage, they came to the Frog.
