08 Lesson 2 Sentences (p46)

08 Lesson 2 Sentences (p46)


About the Author
Benjawan Poomsan Becker was born in Bangkok and spent her childhood in Yasothon, a small town in Northeast Thailand. Her parents are ethic Laotians so she grew up speaking both Thai and Lao. She graduated from Khon Kaen University in Thailand in 1990, with an honored B.A. degree in English. 
In April 1990, she received a scholarship from the Japanese government for a sociological research project on Thai people working in Japan. She received her M.A. in sociology from Kobe University in 1994. During that time, she worked as a volunteer interpreter and translator for Thai and Lao workers in distress. 
Benjawan gained extensive experience teaching Thai to foreigners while working with the Japan-Thailand Trade Association and Berlitz Language School. She is proficient in four languages: Thai, Lao, Japanese and English. 
Benjawan married Craig Becker in 1994. They reside in Berkeley, California where she continues to write books on the Thai and Lao languages. She also has a translation and interpretation business and owns a publishing company. 

作者Benjawan Poomsan Becker出生于曼谷,童年在泰国东北部的一个小镇Yasothon度过。作者的父母是伦理上的老挝人,因此她同时能讲泰国语和老挝语。她1990年毕业于泰国的Khon Kaen大学,获得英语学士学位。1990年4月,由于一项关于泰国人在日本工作的研究项目,她获得了日本政府提供的奖学金。1994年她在神户大学获得硕士学位。在这期间,她为泰国和老挝处于危难境地的劳工做了翻译志愿者。
Benjawan于1994年和Craig Becker 结婚。他们居住在美国加利福尼亚伯克利市。在那她继续写作关于泰国语和老挝语的书。她同时还从事商业翻译并拥有一家出版公司。

