第2278期:Indonesia's Nickel Mining Hurting Forests(2)

第2278期:Indonesia's Nickel Mining Hurting Forests(2)


The area of Weda Bay is now one of the world’s largest nickel production centers. Smelters and coal-fired power plants burn to process nickel ore into material for batteries and steel.

The village of Lelilef Sawai is now surrounded by the Weda Bay Industrial Park. There, the deforestation and its effects are clear. Local farmer Librek Loha remains in Lelilef Sawai, refusing to sell the land he has taken care of for forty years. Now orange dust often covers his plants and clean water is often lacking. The plants also grow more slowly, he said.
Lelilef Sawai 村现在被韦达湾工业园区包围。在那里,森林砍伐及其影响显而易见。当地农民Librek Loha依然留在Lelilef Sawai,拒绝出售他照顾了四十年的土地。他说,现在橙色的灰尘经常覆盖他的植物,干净的水经常短缺。植物也生长得更慢了。

From his land, he can hear building sounds and see bright orange material flow into the sea. Research shows landslides are far more likely in deforested areas.

Max Sigoro, 54, is a traditional hunter and farmer. Bright lights and noise from construction scare the deer he used to hunt at night. He says he has lost nearly all the means he had to earn a living since the industrial park’s growth.
54岁的Max Sigoro是一名传统的猎人和农民。建筑施工的明亮灯光和噪音吓跑了他以前夜间狩猎的鹿。他说,自从工业园区发展以来,他几乎失去了所有的生计手段。

PT Indonesia Weda Bay officials declined to speak to the Associated Press.
PT Indonesia Weda Bay的官员拒绝与美联社对话。

The company says it has planted more than 10 square kilometers of new trees. It says it plays an active part in supporting the living standards of local people, offering economic development. And, the industrial zone meets all environmental standards, PT Indonesia Weda Bay says.
该公司表示,他们已经种植了超过10平方公里的新树木。它表示在支持当地人民的生活水平和提供经济发展方面发挥了积极作用。而且,PT Indonesia Weda Bay表示,该工业区符合所有环境标准。

The company also says it works to protect water and has launched coral and mangrove planting programs.

The Weda Bay project is just one of the industrial parks criticized by locals nearby. An industrial park on the island of Borneo and other projects in North Maluku are also under community protests.

Perhaps related to these public objections, European companies may be losing interest in nickel from Indonesia.

In recent weeks, the French mining company Eramet and German chemical giant BASF announced they were canceling plans to build a $2.6 billion nickel plant in Indonesia.

Indonesia has been seeking to work more with Tesla, which uses twice as much metal in its total production of batteries than the next highest auto competitor. The amount of nickel Tesla used in 2023 was up a third over the year before. Only 13 percent came from Indonesia last year. But Tesla’s 2023 impact report noted Indonesia 18 times and warned the country’s nickel will be very important.

Tesla did not answer an AP email requesting information about its use of nickel from Indonesia and deforestation.

Questions to Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment Affairs and Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources also went unanswered.

