


In the northern part of England, there is a hut that is isolated from the rest of the world. The owner, Sean, adopted a child named Christopher, so that he could live with his own daughter, Katherine, and their son, Syndra. Christopher and Katherine spent a lot of time together and developed a deep affection for each other. However, Syndra despised Christopher. After Sean's death, Syndra not only forbade Christopher from seeing Katherine but also mistreated and humiliated him in various ways. This deepened Christopher's hatred for Syndra and intensified his love for Katherine.

One day, Christopher and Katherine secretly went out and met Edgar Linton, the young master of the neighboring estate, Thrushcross Grange. This refined and wealthy young man admired Katherine's beauty and proposed to her. The naive and innocent Katherine agreed to marry Linton. Upon hearing of Katherine's engagement, Christopher was heartbroken and left in a fit of anger.

Years later, Christopher returned, wealthy and determined to take revenge on Syndra and Linton. Syndra, a dissipated scoundrel who indulged in drinking and gambling, squandered his family fortune and eventually became destitute. The remaining estate was mortgaged to Christopher, and Syndra became his servant. Christopher frequently visited Thrushcross Grange, where Linton's sister, Isabella, fell deeply in love with him and eventually eloped with him. However, Christopher imprisoned and tormented her at Wuthering Heights to vent his intense resentment.

After Katherine married Linton, despite their significant differences in thoughts and values, they lived a happy life due to Linton's tolerance. Christopher's return rekindled her wild love, causing her to fall ill and soon pass away, leaving behind a premature baby girl named Cathy.

Isabella escaped during the chaos and fled to the outskirts of London, where she gave birth to a boy named Linton Heathcliff. Syndra died of alcoholism within half a year after Katherine's death, and his son Hareton fell into Christopher's hands, becoming another target of his revenge. Twelve years later, Isabella died in a foreign land, and Christopher brought his son back but despised his weak and delicate nature.

Taking advantage of Linton's critical illness, Christopher brought Cathy over and forced her to marry his son. A few days later, Linton died, and Christopher became the master of Thrushcross Grange. Shortly after the marriage, young Heathcliff also quietly passed away.

By then, Hareton was twenty-three years old. Although deprived of an education and lacking warmth, he was honest, loyal, and charming. Cathy fell in love with him, much to Christopher's displeasure, and he was determined to break them apart. However, as he observed them more closely, the scenes of his love with Katherine resurfaced in his mind. In that moment, his hatred faded, and his love revived. Unable to continue his revenge, he sought to reunite with Katherine. One snowy night, calling out her name, he left the world.

