1651 你是如何面对人生的挑战?|自我觉察挑战|Day 7

1651 你是如何面对人生的挑战?|自我觉察挑战|Day 7



Self-awareness is the foundation of all spiritual practice. —Eckhart Tolle 自我觉察是一切修行的基础。—艾克哈特·托利

Day 7 自我察觉挑战

How do I deal with challenges in my life?


When I was 10 years old, I broke my arm while playing with a neighbor. That was the first significant challenge in my life. I remember my father taking me to a local clinic to get my arm set, and I screamed loudly. My father told me not to cry. After surgery, the doctor said my arm would never be straight again, which made me very sad. During that time, my parents were very proactive in helping me with rehabilitation. Just when I thought I had to accept my arm would always be bent, it straightened on its own.

Since then, I have encountered many challenges in life, but I know everything will be okay. As I often say, "Everything will be okay in the end; if it's not okay, it's not the end."


在这之后,我仍遇见了很多人生的挑战,但我知道一切都会好好的,就像我常说的那句话,Everything will be okay in the end; if it's not okay, it's not the end. (事情最终都会变好的;如果它还没变好,代表这不是终点。)



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回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载过去的现在的所有挑战

