5.21 美音朗读版

5.21 美音朗读版

  • 蓝银溪

    I find music a useful distraction, a focus tool, keeps the inner voice from wandering.

  • MissFang0000

    I find music a useful distraction, a focus tool, keeps the inner voice from wandering.

  • Emily喜英语

    I find music a useful distraction, a focus tool, keeps the inner voice from wandering.

  • 13407155709

    I find music a useful distraction, a focus tool, keeps the inner voice from wandering.

  • 悦言乐

    I find music a useful distraction. A focus tool. Keeps the inner voice from wandering. 音乐有助于专注,让内心的声音不再回荡。 ----电影 《The Killer》 (杀手)