


Peanuts are pale brown nuts with thin shells that grow underground. They also symbolize a small amount of income. 
As a child, I used to earn pocket money by catching grasshoppers in peanut fields. 
A neighboring village had a buyer specifically for grasshoppers, which were supposedly used as bird feed. 
Now as an adult, I've learned that some people farm grasshoppers for consumption. I once tried fried grasshoppers at a friend's wedding banquet and found them quite tasty. 
When I caught them, I would sell them and sometimes make a few bucks. 
Peanuts were one of the main economic plants in my hometown when I was young. My family typically planted 1 to 2 acres in valleys and hilly areas.
During the busy summer harvest season, after finishing with rice, we would move on to picking peanuts in the fields. The entire summer break was spent working non-stop on the farm, drying the peanuts at home, then taking them to the oil mill for pressing into peanut oil. 
Peanut oil, along with lard, was the primary cooking oil for the people in my hometown.

