【2024-05-10 PT】《Summer》

【2024-05-10 PT】《Summer》


Tyler:Hey guys,how was your holiday? Today we are going to talk about summer.Speaking of the summer,what‘s your impressive moments in this season?

Or your plans in this summer?

For me,what impressed me most was the summer vacation when I graduated from high school. I could do what I wanted to do,meet  people I wanted to meet.I also bleached my hair blonde for the first time. I went out to play in reality with friends who had only talked on the Internet. I also went to the music festival for the first time. Although I was wet by the heavy rain, the song was still the same.These moments mean a lot to me.

Ruby:Speaking of the impressive summer, of course, the high school graduation holiday is indispensable. First of all, I made up for the lack of senior high school during the holiday. Adequate sleep every day also greatly improved my mood and I was very happy every day. Of course, like many graduates, I also signed up to learn how to drive. The weather was very hot and sunny. I didn't want to go at all, so I made an appointment with my classmates and friends to cool down, play games, and drink drinks. It's really happy hahaha! Later, near the beginning of school, my parents asked for leave to send me to school. We strolled around Fuzhou and ate some delicious food. This is also one of the few good times for the whole family to travel together.

Anna:The blue sea and the slightly rolled white waves, the warm evening breeze, the faint indicator lights of the air conditioner in the middle of the night, the sweet and soft peach, and the gorgeous sunset glow like an oil painting. These are all my deep impressions of summer.

Selena:In summer, the most impressive moment should be a group of people eating watermelon, walking with three or two friends at night, holding a cold drink, laughing and playing, and the blue sky, and the waves of the sea.

Tyler:It seems that we all like to go to the sea in summer. No wonder the seaside always has a strong appeal in summer.So,do you like summer or not? What causes you to like or dislike summer?

Personally speaking,I like summer,but my favorite season is autumn.The reason maybe my birthday is in autumn.But summer is attractive for its specific images like vacations,sea breeze,water-ice,beach and so on. Therefore, I always look forward to the arrival of summer. What are your guys ideas?

Ruby:Summer is really hot, and there are mosquitoes. Fuzhou is also trendy. Sometimes it's really boring, but the advantage is that there are many cold snacks to choose from, and you can also wear thin and beautiful clothes, because I really like to wear short sleeves. I used to prefer winter, but now I prefer summer. It's painful to get up in winter, and there's less sunshine, which can easily lead to emotional instability, so summer is better. If you don't compare with winter, but choose your favourite season in the four seasons, I may prefer autumn. Hahaha.

Selena:I like summer!Although it's very hot in summer, it's very uncomfortable, but when it's hot, you can turn on the air conditioner, eat popsicles, drink cold drinks, and eat watermelon, which is super comfortable! You can also take a walk at night, blow the cool breeze unique to summer, and listen to the sound of cicadas. Whether you are alone or with others, it is a very pleasant enjoyment.

Anna:I love summer very, very much! Summer is my favourite season. Maybe it has something to do with my birth in summer? Maybe summer vacation occupies most of the summer, and summer has become synonymous with freedom in my eyes. She is warm and bright, and never afraid to present her most beautiful and bright scenery to us.

Tyler:Who can resist the charm of summer? Who doesn't want to make good memories in the summer?Finally,what does summer mean to you? In my opinion, summer is a contradiction, which is both the end and the beginning, both a farewell and a welcome.All the major events in life seem to have happened in summer. Therefore, we grow up in summer, laughing and suffering,and thus meet the next stage of life.

Anna:For me, summer is the season of all sincere emotions brewing and fermentation, and summer has infinite possibilities. I always believe that summer is one of the meanings of life.

Selena:Summer means warmth and freedom to me. The warmth of the day and freedom at night. Under the clear sky, it seems that you can feel the vitality from different creatures. Under the cool breeze at night, you can run freely, feel the coolness of summer, and feel a unique freedom and freedom.

Ruby:Summer means energy to me. It may be the most energetic season in the four seasons of the year. The natural scenery of this season is beautiful. Of course, the energy between people is also more positive. No wonder there are many couples in spring and summer. Hahaha. In recent years, summer is getting hotter and hotter, and we can feel the climate change more directly. People can't help but sigh. How many beautiful summers can we have? I hope the good memories of summer will never end.

