Roman tunnels 罗马隧道 1

Roman tunnels 罗马隧道 1


Roman tunnels  罗马隧道  1

1    根据标题定位到第1

which consisted of placing posts over a hill in a straight line, to ensure thatthe tunnel kept to its route

2   定位词  used by local people    定位到第1

Once the tunnel was completed,itallowed water to flow from the top of a hillsidedown towards a canal,which supplied water for human use.

canal /kəˈnæl/ 运河

定位词 vertical shaft /ˈvɜːtɪkl ʃɑːft/  竖井

excavated  [ˈekskəveɪtɪd]  挖掘出的

ventilate /ˈventɪleɪt/   vt. 使通风

ventilation /ˌvɛntɪˈleɪʃən/  n.通风


The excavated soil was taken up to thesurface using the shafts,which also providedventilation during the work.

4   根据标题定位到第2

were covered with a wooden or stone lid

5 定位词  rod plumb line

plumb /plʌm/ 铅锤


Romans hung a plumb line from a rodplaced across the top of each shaft and made sure that the weight at the end of it hung in the center of theshaft.

定位词   handhold /ˈhændhəʊld/  把手

foothold /ˈfʊthəʊld/ 脚踏板


The shafts were equipped with handholdsand footholds to help those climbing in and outof them

