All the Lights We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr:二战中的普通人

All the Lights We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr:二战中的普通人


Hi, everyone. I'm Howard. Today, I'm gonna introduce you to all the lights we cannot see by Anthony door. You might have listened to rough historical accounts of reward, save on YouTube, or learn about it from textbooks to most of us. World War Two is merely the standoff between nations reigns and politicians. It is an encrypt warfare of the past that ceases to move us yet. Have you read a book that instead sheds light on the affection between a German soldier and a blind French girl in the face of war? By turning the narrative limelight on so blind girl. Anthony door shows how people try to be nice each other during wartime in his novel, all the lights we cannot see. The plot structure since description and characterization of this novel, all make it merit the pleasures for us. I would say that the plot is paradigmatic of nonlinear plot development for door, shuttles between different years. Scenes and characters only to make them develop towards when inextricable results, and let's see how it goes. The first area of line is the childhood of Mary law. A girl blinds in six. During the exposition, we know that she lives with her father a happy and simple life in downtown Paris. The tranquility of urban life is similarly disrupted by World War Two, such that Mary and her father have to flee to saint malice to see asylum. Life in saint mala is always a person as opposed to the gentle and harmonic five appears. It is there that many obstacles permeate in Saint Mary's life. For a wedding. Her father is captured by Germans and never makes it back. As war progresses, Mary's aunt dies and her uncle's health fails. The antagonist when ripple, then in Paris and married his house rummaging for the CF flames, a precious crystal that makes its owner to live forever. This insights, the climax, the narrative twist at which Warner comes to her rescue just when von rumple flies very slouching in the attic and is about to kill her. It is precisely how coincidental the lives of Warner and Mary intersect that moves us. Werner, a German boy, indoctrinated by nasty German ideals and marry a French girl that is weak and blind. We never expect Warner to find Mary at least not to see her. It is the faith that they will finally meet like he is taking through the book. So try not to miss all the lights of Nancy that provides a new insight into war by showing us that human beings can always be nice to each other. And this affection is there despite cultural discrepancies in national conflicts. 

