BBC Newsround|臭味阻止孩子们在外面玩耍

BBC Newsround|臭味阻止孩子们在外面玩耍

The stinky smell stopping children from playing outside I Newsround
Pee, ew. What's that smell? Eww. This is a landill site, a place that dumps rubbish that can't be recycled. Now usually they can be smelly, however this one here is stirring up quite the stench that can be smelt from miles around. These students who go to a nearby school have been telling me all about it.
Can you describe to me the smell? It's like you made a cereal out of expired milk, raw meat and dead rats. It's a mix of rotten eggs, poo and just rotten things. Does that get quite annoying? Yeah, because then we have to tell the teacher to close the windows. Then we didn't want to go out to play. And what do you want to see change? Definitely a better smell. Whatever it's causing, the smell, then I think it needs to be stopped and somebody needs to speak up or do something.
The Environment Agency, that's in charge of protecting people and nature from health risks, say the problem has been caused by the top of the landfill being pulled back so the smells can escape. Valencia Waste, the company that runs the site, has apologised to residents and said it's doing everything it can to stop the odours from getting out.
The good news is a group of people living in the area have stepped in. Local councillor Angela Brown has been telling me how they've called for action to be taken to put a stop to the stench. So in January, February, it was really bad. People from four miles all around the site were being impacted and smelling it in their homes.So all these residents got together.
Since then Valencia have started doing some of the things that they're supposed to be doing. You can see there that they've started covering the site in plastic and mud and that's really suppressed some of the odours. We're still getting it and we don't know how long term it's going to be but it is much better now and that's all because of residents coming together and saying enough is enough.
Since the Environment Agency stepped in, 90,000 square metres of waste, that's around nine times the size of a football pitch, has been covered up. More equipment has also been put in place to capture the gas released by the rubbish. So hopefully it's not too long until people living nearby can say smell you later to this pong.
