


In the realm of fashion, we often label clothing as “for men” or “for women” in a gender-specific manner, but history tells a more complex story. Several items we now consider women’s clothing were deeply influenced by men’s fashion needs in earlier eras.

Take high heels,for example. These shoes were initially worn by Persian cavalry in the Middle Ages to secure their feet in stirrups while riding a horse. European high society took notice centuries later, and the trend of men wearing high heels in order to look taller and more impressive reached its peak under French King Louis XIV. He even made high heels exclusive to the nobility, turning them into a symbol of status and power.

Then there are stockings, once a must-have for European gentlemen. After the knitting machine was invented in 1589, silk stockings became readily accessible to upper-class men keen to conceal leg hair, which was a social norm at the time. Louis XIV likewise embraced these products with enthusiasm, initiating a fashion wave that soon crossed gender boundaries.

Wigs, too, have a masculine past. Although the use of wigs can be traced back to much earlier times, it was King Louis XIII of France who made wearing wigs popular. When the king faced premature hair loss in his 20s, he began wearing elaborate wigs to conceal it. This personal solution quickly became another status symbol among European noblemen.

This historical journey through fashion illustrates how gender associations with clothing items can shift. Next time you consider fashion’s gender rules, bear in mind that they’re more like suggestions, subject to change and reinterpretation over time.



还有丝袜,丝袜曾经是欧洲绅士的必备品。在公元 1589 年发明编织机之后,丝质长袜对于热衷于掩盖腿毛的上流社会男士而言就变得容易取得了,而掩盖腿毛在当时是一种社会规范。路易十四同样热情地欣然接纳这些产品,掀起了一股很快就跨越性别界限的时尚浪潮。

假发也有一段与男性相关的历史。虽然假发的使用可以追溯到更早的时期,但是让戴假发这件事真正流行起来的是法国国王路易十三。当国王在 20 多岁就面临着头发过早脱落的问题时,他开始戴起了精美的假发来掩饰。这个针对国王个人的解决方案很快就成为了欧洲贵族成员间的又一种地位象征。


1. realm (n.)领域;王国

With hard work, achieving your dreams is within the realm of possibility.


2. secure (v.)使牢靠;使安全;设法获得

Make sure to secure doors and windows before the typhoon hits your place.


3. stocking (n.)长筒袜

Hang the Christmas stocking by the fireplace for Santa Claus to fill with gifts.


4. likewise (adv.)同样地

Since Jenna is so popular, when she follows a trend,many of her classmates do likewise.


5.embrace (v.)欣然接受;拥抱

It’s important to embrace new challenges as they offer opportunities for growth and learning.


6. wig (n.)假发

The actor wore a wig to play a character from the 18th century.

这名演员戴上假发扮演公元 18 世纪的角色。

7. masculine (adj.)男性的;阳刚的

The design features of the sports car gave it a fashionable and masculine appearance.


8. premature (adj.)过早的;不成熟的

The premature announcement of the winner caused confusion among the audience.


9. shift (v.)转移;改变

The market demand shifted toward more eco-friendly products.


