第2165a期:Another Record High Temperature for March

第2165a期:Another Record High Temperature for March


The European Union’s climate agency, Copernicus, says the world’s temperature averaged 14.14 degrees Celsius in March.

欧盟气候机构哥白尼表示,3 月份全球平均气温为 14.14 摄氏度。

The latest monthly temperature means that Copernicus has reported a record high temperature for 10 months in a row.


Copernicus added that the month was 1.68 degrees warmer than the estimated average for the month of March for the period from 1850 to 1900. The agency calls this period the “pre-industrial” period before oil, gas and coal were used in large amounts.

哥白尼补充说,这个月比 1850 年至 1900 年期间 3 月份的估计平均气温高 1.68 度。该机构称这一时期为石油、天然气和煤炭大量使用之前的“前工业化”时期。

Since last June, weather agencies have been reporting record high average world temperatures. Some scientists say they are not surprised by the reports.

自去年六月以来,气象机构报告的世界平均气温创下历史新高。 一些科学家表示,他们对这些报道并不感到惊讶。

This year, a strong El Niño event is affecting weather in many parts of the world. El Niño is an unusually warm current that periodically appears in the southern Pacific Ocean and changes weather in places around the world.

今年,强烈的厄尔尼诺现象正在影响世界许多地区的天气。 厄尔尼诺现象是一种异常暖流,周期性出现在南太平洋,并改变世界各地的天气。

Jennifer Francis is a scientist with the nonprofit Woodwell Climate Research Center in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. She said the periodic warm current is part of high temperatures: “But its combination with the non-natural marine heat waves made these records so breathtaking.”

詹妮弗·弗朗西斯是美国马萨诸塞州非营利组织伍德韦尔气候研究中心的一名科学家。 她说,周期性暖流是高温的一部分:“但它与非自然海洋热浪的结合使这些记录如此令人惊叹。”

Francis added that, as the El Niño becomes less intense, the reported temperatures above global averages should go down.


Climate scientists, like Francis, say that human activity is responsible for the record heat.


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