28-31The body as a source of society
Marx, Durkheim and Simmel have been viewed as conceptualizing the
social environment as an autonomous, self-sustaining system (Althusser,
1969; Lukes, 1973; Turner, 1986). While Simmel is often portrayed as a
methodological individualist (or interactionist) who rejected the notion of
‘society’, his conception of the money economy provides a vision of the eco
nomic basis of social life possessed of an obduracy worthy of a Durkheimian
‘social fact’ and a pervasiveness and consequentiality that stand comparison
with Weber’s vision of ‘mechanical capitalism’ (Turner, 1986). What each of
them has written about the physical capacities and experiences of individu
als, however, suggests that the body plays an independent and essential
causal role in the formation of societal phenomena. The body is an impor
tant source of society as a result of those capacities and dispositions which
enable it to transcend its natural state and create a social environment.