New Way to Fight Brain Cancer Shows Promise

New Way to Fight Brain Cancer Shows Promise


A new way to fight an extremely aggressive kind of brain tumor is showing promise in two experiments with a small number of patients.


For the experiments, scientists took patients’ own immune cells and turned them into “living drugs” that can find and attack the tumor, called glioblastoma. Researchers have reported that, in early tests, the immune cells have made the tumors temporarily smaller.


The treatment is called CAR-T therapy. Doctors already use the treatment to fight blood-related cancers like leukemia. But researchers have struggled to make CAR-T therapy work for solid tumors.

这种治疗方法称为 CAR-T 疗法。医生已经使用这种疗法来对抗白血病等与血液相关的癌症。但研究人员一直在努力让 CAR-T 疗法适用于实体瘤。

Now, separate teams at both Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Pennsylvania are developing next-generation CAR-T therapy treatments. They are designed to get past some of glioblastoma’s defenses.

现在,马萨诸塞州总医院和宾夕法尼亚大学的不同团队正在开发下一代 CAR-T 疗法。它们旨在突破胶质母细胞瘤的一些防御。

University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Stephen Bagley led one of the studies. He warned, “It’s very early days.” But he added, “We’re optimistic that we’ve got something to build on here…”


Glioblastoma is the brain cancer that killed U.S. President Joe Biden’s son Beau Biden. It also took the life of longtime Arizona Senator John McCain.


Glioblastoma is fast-growing and hard to treat. Patients usually live 12 to 18 months after diagnosis. Even after many years of research, there are few options if the cancer returns after treatments.

胶质母细胞瘤生长快速且难以治疗。诊断后患者通常可存活 12 至 18 个月。即使经过多年的研究,如果癌症在治疗后复发,也几乎没有选择。

A kind of cell in the immune system called T cells fight disease, but cancer has ways to hide. With CAR-T therapy, doctors genetically change a patient’s own T cells so they can better find different cancer cells.

免疫系统中有一种称为 T 细胞的细胞可以对抗疾病,但癌症却有办法隐藏。通过 CAR-T 疗法,医生对患者自身的 T 细胞进行基因改造,以便更好地发现不同的癌细胞。

But solid tumors like glioblastoma have an additional difficulty. They contain mixtures of cancer cells with different mutations. Targeting just one kind still means the other kinds can keep growing.


The teams at Massachusetts General Hospital and University of Pennsylvania each developed a therapy with two different methods. They tried them in patients whose tumors returned after usual treatment.


At Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Marcela Maus and her team combined CAR-T with T-cell engaging antibody molecules. T-cell engaging antibody molecules are molecules that can attract nearby, regular T cells to join in the cancer attack. The result, called CAR-TEAM, targets a protein called EGFR. EGFR is found in most glioblastomas but not in normal brain tissue.

在马萨诸塞州总医院,Marcela Maus 博士和她的团队将 CAR-T 与 T 细胞接合抗体分子结合起来。 T 细胞参与抗体分子是可以吸引附近的常规 T 细胞加入癌症攻击的分子。该成果称为 CAR-TEAM,针对一种名为 EGFR 的蛋白质。 EGFR 存在于大多数胶质母细胞瘤中,但不存在于正常脑组织中。

The University of Pennsylvania’s method was to create a two-target CAR-T therapy. It hunts for both the EGFR protein plus a second protein found in many glioblastomas.

宾夕法尼亚大学的方法是创建一种双靶点 CAR-T 疗法。它寻找 EGFR 蛋白以及许多胶质母细胞瘤中发现的第二种蛋白。

Both teams administered the treatment through a medical device called a catheter into the fluid that surrounds the brain.


Massachusetts General Hospital tested three patients with its CAR-TEAM therapy. Brain imagining a day or two later showed their tumors were quickly becoming smaller. The researchers reported their findings in the publication the New England Journal of Medicine.

马萨诸塞州总医院使用 CAR-TEAM 疗法对三名患者进行了测试。一两天后的大脑想象显示他们的肿瘤正在迅速变小。研究人员在《新英格兰医学杂志》杂志上报告了他们的发现。

Maus said, “None of us could really believe it.”Two of the patients’ tumors began to regrow soon. A second treatment given to one of them did not work. But one patient’s response to the experimental treatment lasted more than six months.


University of Pennsylvania researchers reported their findings in the publication Nature Medicine. They similarly found that in the first six patients given its therapy tumors got smaller. While some came back quickly, Bagley said one patient treated last August still has not had any regrowth. For both teams, the goal is to see longer-lasting results. Bagley said, “None of this is going to matter if it doesn’t last.”


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