1. firecrackers: scare off the evil 2. fireworks are similar to firecrackers, have lights and beautiful colors 3. set off: explore the firecrackers 4. I'm so excited about, I'm really looking forward to, I can't wait to see you 5. I bet: I pretty sure something
听友16970981 回复 @敏于行_iu: explode the firecrackers instead of explore.
扮演小孩的声音so weird!
They finally concluded that there are so many evil spirits in China ???
什么给小孩红包也是为了驱邪? 压岁钱的真正含义都忘记了吗 就像两位外国主播开玩笑说到 中国真是有这么多的妖魔鬼怪阿
阿彻ty 回复 @听友79659951: 百度百科
make dumping 包饺子,firecracker 鞭炮,fireworker 烟花,set off the firecrakeer 放鞭炮, red envolope money 红包,dragon dance舞龙 I bet =pretty sure ; I am really looking forward to
Junior_rose 回复 @rosashi08: fireworks
6. dumplings水饺; mahjong麻将; transformer变压器; optimus prime擎天柱; wheeljack千斤顶
安之若素_bda 回复 @敏于行_iu: transformer 这里是变形金刚的意思