chpt 7 Putting It Into Practice 4-3

chpt 7 Putting It Into Practice 4-3


We can still connect with babies who are born prematurely and need to be in an incubator in a neonatal intensive care unit.

We can pump milk to offer breast milk if possible. We can talk and sing to our baby when they are awake, and our scent will be familiar to them. We can place our hands on our baby in the incubator and, once our baby is strong enough, we can practice kangaroo care, where the baby is placed on us in an upright position, skin-to-skin. We can also learn special massage for a premature baby that is not too rough on their delicate skin. We observe to see if they are content or if it’s too much for them.

And even through the sides of the incubator, we can make deep eye contact with our baby. We can let them know they are loved.

