《清醒的活》第55期 活着就是一个经历过程,一个个人,一件件事不断的经过

《清醒的活》第55期 活着就是一个经历过程,一个个人,一件件事不断的经过

Day 55
If you are living every experience fully, then death doesn’t take anything from you. There’s nothing to take because you’re already fulfilled. That’s why the wise being is always ready to die. It doesn’t make any difference when death comes because their experience is already whole and complete. Suppose you loved music more than anything else. You always want to hear your favorite classical composition played by your favorite orchestra. That was the dream of your life. Finally, it happens, you’re there and you’re actually hearing it. It completely fills you. The very first notes lift you to where you needed to go. This shows you that it only takes a moment to become absorbed in a transcendental peace. You really don’t need more time before death; what you need is more depth of experience during the time you’re given.
如果你充分地活在每一次经历中,那么死亡就不会从你这里夺走任何东西。没什么可拿走的,因为你已经完满了。这就是为什么智者总是随时准备死亡。无论死亡何时来临,对他们而言都不会有任何区别,因为他们的经历已经是完整的和完全的。假设你爱音乐胜过一切,你一直想听你最喜欢的管弦乐队演奏你喜欢的古典乐曲,那是你一生的梦想,而这个梦想最后终于实现了。你在那里倾听。音乐充满了你,第一组音符就把你带到了你需要去的地方。 这向你表明,只需一会儿,你就能沉浸于一种超然的平静。在死亡之前,你真的不需要更多的时间;你需要的是在你所拥有的时间里拥有更深层的经历。

That’s the way to live each moment of your life. You let it fill you completely. You let it touch you to the depths of your being. There is no moment that can’t do that. Even if something terrible happens, view it as just another experience of life. Death has made you a great promise in which you can find deep peace. The promise is that all things are temporal; They are all just passing through time and space. If you have patience, this too will pass.
