第2127期:France's 'Invader' Could Surprise Olympic Games Visitors

第2127期:France's 'Invader' Could Surprise Olympic Games Visitors


When visitors come to Paris for the Olympic Games starting in July, they will be entering the territory of France’s most famous street artist: “Invader.” It will be one invasion coming face-to-face with another. 


Like Banksy, the British street artist he is sometimes compared to, Invader does not want his identity to be publicly known. 


Sometimes working close to the edge of illegality, Invader comes, does his art, and disappears into the night. He leaves behind mosaics made mostly with small ceramic and glass tiles. 


Many of the mosaics look like the aliens from the Space Invaders video game. Others are very complex portrayals of fruit or, in New York, of Lou Reed and Andy Warhol. 


Some of his artworks come from popular culture, including Spiderman, Star Wars, Bugs Bunny, Ninja Turtles, pizza and others. Some artworks suggest deep research, including a portrait of guitarist Django Reinhardt facing the house where he lived, south of Paris in Samois-sur-Seine. 

他的一些作品来自流行文化,包括蜘蛛侠、星球大战、兔八哥、忍者神龟、披萨等。一些艺术品表明了深入的研究,包括吉他手姜戈·莱因哈特 (Django Reinhardt) 的肖像,他面对着他居住的房子,位于巴黎南部塞纳河畔萨穆瓦 (Samois-sur-Seine)。 

Since the first recorded mosaic of a blue Space Invader went up on a Paris street in 1998, numbered PA_01, Invader has taken over the world. There are now more than 4,000 of his mosaics in cities and towns on all continents except Antarctica. 

自从 1998 年第一个有记录的蓝色太空入侵者马赛克出现在巴黎街头(编号 PA_01)以来,入侵者已经占领了世界。目前,除南极洲外,各大洲的城镇中都有他的 4000 多幅马赛克作品。

London, Tokyo, Los Angeles and other cities were invaded in 1999; New York and Geneva and more in 2000; Hong Kong in 2001; Berlin, Bangkok, Melbourne. On and on. 

1999年伦敦、东京、洛杉矶等城市遭到入侵;2000 年纽约和日内瓦等地;2001年香港;柏林、曼谷、墨尔本。不断地。 

The 4,000th mosaic was glued to a brick wall in Potosi, 4,000 meters up in the Bolivian Andes, in 2021. The European Space Agency installed Invader’s Space2 mosaic aboard the International Space Station in 2015. 

2021 年,第 4000 个马赛克被粘在玻利维亚安第斯山脉海拔 4000 米高的波托西的砖墙上。欧洲航天局于 2015 年在国际空间站上安装了入侵者 Space2 马赛克。 

“‘Anytime, Anywhere’ is the philosophy,” Invader says on his website. 

“‘随时随地’是我们的理念,”Invader 在他的网站上说道。 

In Paris — by far his most invaded area — the artist’s footprint is larger than ever as the Olympics draw closer. 


A new public showing in a multi-story building has one of his works on its roof, visible via satellite on Google Maps. With a telescope, the show’s visitors can also look across Paris to Invader’s 1,500th mosaic in the city and surrounding areas. 

在一座多层建筑中举行的一场新的公开展览中,他的一件作品就在其屋顶上,通过谷歌地图上的卫星可以看到。借助望远镜,参观者还可以俯瞰整个巴黎,看到《入侵者》在城市及周边地区的第 1,500 个马赛克镶嵌画。

Announced in February, PA_1500 is glued outside a chimney of the Pompidou Center. Unlike many of his other artworks, Invader got the center’s permission to put the red-and-white Space Invader alien into place. 

2 月份宣布,PA_1500 被粘在蓬皮杜中心的烟囱外。与他的许多其他艺术作品不同,《入侵者》获得了该中心的许可,将红白相间的太空入侵者外星人放置到位。 

“It’s a symbol. It’s number 1,500. It’s Paris,” said Alexandre Aumis, the building’s security director. He added, “It’s got to be here.” 

“这是一个象征。数字是 1,500。这是巴黎,”大楼安全总监亚历山大·奥米斯 (Alexandre Aumis) 说道。他补充说:“它必须在这里。” 

Some of those who know Invader say they are expecting him to spring more surprises for the Olympics, perhaps installing new mosaics related to the Games. 


Fabrice Bousteau is the editor of Beaux Arts Magazine. He said, “The invasion is the 15 million people who are going to arrive in Paris for the Olympic Games. It’s a lot. Obviously, there will be Invader fans among them.” 

法布里斯·布斯托 (Fabrice Bousteau) 是《美术》杂志的编辑。他说:“入侵是指即将抵达巴黎参加奥运会的 1500 万人。很多。显然,其中会有《入侵者》的粉丝。” 

Bousteau, who also directed Invader’s latest public showing, added, “So there will be this meeting between two cultures...He will doubtless invade the Games in a different way. I am almost certain.” 


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