3.4.4 Part Three - Avoid Negative Public

3.4.4 Part Three - Avoid Negative Public

A: I think our company should take measures immediately to avoid negative publicity.
B: It's true. First of all, I think our company should issue a news release within 24 hours to inform the public that this air crash was just an unexpected accident.
A: I couldn't agree more. Besides, our company should do everything possible to help those affected by the crash.
B: Yes, we ought to make arrangements for victims’ relatives to fly to the crash site and offer all kinds of assistance to them.
A: What's more, we should assign some staff to help victims’ families cope with the tragedy.
B: And I think in order to avoid negative publicity, we should cooperate with the media well, because there will be a lot of reports of this accident. So I think we may allow reporters inside of flight stimulator to see for themselves what might have caused the crash.
A: Yes, I quite agree with you. Besides, we're supposed to demonstrate to the reporters the extensive training our pilots have received.
B: That is a good idea. We should hold a news conference to tell the media that the crash was not caused by the pilot in the plane, but by the unexpected collision with a bird, as the investigation revealed.
A: Yes, as for the advertising for our company, what do you think we should do with it?
B: The advertising has created powerful effects in that the number of passengers has greatly increased. Of course, the advertising should continue to be aired throughout the country.
A: But I think at the moment of the crash, the advertising would remind people of the crash, therefore, it probably has negative impact on the company. Thus, I do believe it won't be a good idea to advertise our company.
B: What do you said sounds reasonable, but it would be a pity if the advertising is to be stopped.
A: What about suspending it for just a week? B: Okay, we may suspended for just a week.
