E07 伯特兰·罗素:我身体里每一丝力量都在反驳你

E07 伯特兰·罗素:我身体里每一丝力量都在反驳你

E07 伯特兰·罗素:我身体里每一丝力量都在反驳你


英国哲学家、数学家罗素对捍卫世界和平有着极大的热情,但同时,在怒斥英国法西斯联盟的创始人 Sir Oswald Mosley 时却又不失绅士风度。简短的一封信便既优雅又克制地训斥了对方,想知道罗素是怎样表达绝交的吗?快来学习下吧!


伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell,1872年 - 1970年),英国哲学家、数学家、文学家,分析哲学的主要创始人。作为哲学家,他写成的《西方哲学史》一书脍炙人口;作为数学家,他发现的“罗素悖论”引发了20世纪初的数学基础危机,他在数学领域的巨著《数学原理》成为了里程碑式的著作。除此之外,罗素热爱和平,反对战争,是世界和平运动的倡导者和组织者。


Bertrand Russell

Dear Sir Oswald,

Thank you for your letter and for your enclosures. I have given some thought to our recent correspondence. It is always difficult to decide on how to respond to people whose ethos is so alien and, in fact, repellent to one’s own.

It is not that I take exception to the general points made by you but that every ounce of my energy has been devoted to an active opposition to cruel bigotry, compulsive violence, and the sadistic persecution which has characterised the philosophy and practice of fascism.

I feel obliged to say that the emotional universes we inhabit are so distinct, and in deepest ways opposed, that nothing fruitful or sincere could ever emerge from association between us.

I should like you to understand the intensity of this conviction on my part. It is not out of any attempt to be rude that I say this but because of all that I value in human experience and human achievement.

Yours sincerely,

Bertrand Russell

