666小黄人 回复 @北少侠来也i: 6
_∧_∧_ ((∀`/ ) /⌒ / /(__ノ\_ノ (_ノ ||| 好棒啊~~赞~~~ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ (( ・∀・ ))・∀・) ) `\ ∧ ノ / |/ | (_ノ_)_ノL_)
我唯有的你 回复 @我唯有的你: ???
randiily 回复 @黄嘉兴0: Sxwdee is a good choice but the other two I like to think is that it would make more of the game feel less
Fuyvuybj6utcutvutvutchtchtcutvut t yf. Yyyr yr yr. F Uigiybibiyb UouhouhoVuhbbihbihbihbih Ihbihbihbi Ugvugvugvugbuygjyvjgfutfuvgvutvugvugvutfugvugvutvut uybugvugvugbuyg Bybhbygyvybtftftc GvybunijihhvhvgvtcrxwzwzxexdcfvygyhunjnuhhbBhbhbhbh Hvhbyftftftftftvygybhbgvfcrxexezwzwzexrctctvybuhijihhfhgdgd
_∧_∧_ ((∀`/ ) /⌒ / /(__ノ\_ノ (_ノ ||| 好棒啊~~赞~~~ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ (( ・∀・ ))・∀・) ) `\ ∧ ノ / |/ | (_ノ_)_ノL_)
randiily 回复 @北少侠来也i: I have no clue how to get to that part of the world where you can just go and do what I did but it’s just so easy for them I guess and they can get a job in there I just have a little something for them I think I just have 1234567890 million people that I don’t have to work in the city I just don’t