八下 unit2 (下)

八下 unit2 (下)

27 如此强烈的满足感such a strong feeling of satisfaction
28 他们主人脸上喜悦的表情 the look of joy on their owners' faces
29 他四岁的时候就能骑自行车
He could ride a bike when he was 4 He could ride a bike at the age of 4
30 参加篮球队的选拔 try out for a basketball team
31 去旅行(长途)go on a journey
32 与此同时 at the same time
33 无家可归的人没有我幸运
Homeless people are not as lucky as me
Homeless people are less lucky than me
34 为某人筹集钱raise money for sb
35 在半夜at midnight
36 修理破自行车 fix up broken bikes/fix broken bikes up
37 外貌/行为像 take after
38 我用光了钱 I ran out of money 钱用光了 Money ran out
39给残疾人写信 write (a letter) to disabled people
40 建立团队 set up a group
41 使得某人做某事成为可能make it possible for sb to do
42 对……有影响 make a difference to…
43 失明和失聪的人 the blind and the deaf
44 想象做某事 imagine doing
45 接电话 answer the phone
46 我的一个朋友 a friend of mine
47 因为你的善良 because of your kindness
48 你的爱好兴趣是什么What are your hobbies and interests?
49 谢谢你改变我的生活Thank you for changing my life
50 一只受过特殊训练的狗a special trained dog
