d15- Procrastination- The first time

d15- Procrastination- The first time

Today, let's talk about procrastination. Recently, many of my friends have been training in English, and I have found a problem: if I want to train for three hours, I am reluctant to start this task, but if I train for half an hour, I can. Training for an hour is fine, but it starts to drain energy. After two hours of training, I'll be tired. If I train for three hours, I feel tired all day. So, I have this problem because I don't have enough energy. So how can we solve the problem of energy? The most straightforward way is to complete the task at the earliest time of the day, in the morning. Because you've just woken up from a long night's rest, it's time to have the most energy. Of course, if you're a night owl and have the most energy in the evening, then you can also finish it in the evening. To sum up, when you encounter a problem, first find your own cause, and then find the easiest solution to act.
