8 英音

8 英音


PASSAGE 8 The Government of the United States

    These days, the American President is one of the most powerful men in the world. He can make war, or peace. He can touch the lives of millions in many different countries, but the President cannot do just what he wants. The Congress must agree first.

    In some ways, the United States is like fifty small countries and not one large one. Every state has its own governor, its own police, and its own laws. For example, in some states you can buy an alcoholic drink when you are 18. In others, you must wait until you are 21.

    The government of the whole country (the 'federal' government) works from Washington, the capital city. This is where Congress is based. Congress has two parts, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

    There are 100 members of the Senate (called Senators), two from each state. The President cannot act without the Senate's agreement. The House of Representatives has 435 members. Like the senators, they can make new laws.

    Americans choose a new President every four years. The election is a great occasion. It is serious business, of course, but the Americans make sure that it is fun too.


    在某些方面,美国像是五十个小国而不是一个统一的大国。各州均有自己的州长、自己的警察和法律。比如,在有些州,年满十八岁可以买酒精饮料,但在其他州,要等到二十一岁才行。 整个国家的政府(联邦政府)办公地点在首都华盛顿,国会也在此。国会由两部分组成:参议院和众议院。



