femorning 01.16

femorning 01.16


1. According to The Beijing News, recently, unidentified flying objects were suspected to have flown over Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi and other places in the sky. Netizens say, "Like a moving cloud like object.". According to Zhu Jin, a researcher at the Beijing Astronomical Observatory, this is a phenomenon that occurred at 16:59 Beijing time on January 14th when the rocket launched by the US Space Exploration Technology Corporation's Starlink satellite was passivated over North China.

1.     新京报消息,近日,北京、河北、山西等地天空疑有不明飞行物飞过。网民称,像一朵移动的云状物体。北京天文馆研究员朱进称,这是北京时间1141659分,美国太空探索技术公司发射星链卫星的火箭在经过华北上空进行钝化处理产生的现象。

2.According to the popular public opinion report on consumer rights protection by the China Consumers Association in the fourth quarter of 2023, consumers are dissatisfied with the "vulgarity" and "false price comparison" issues of live streaming e-commerce. The proliferation of "shake-shake" jump ads has caused consumers unbearable disturbance, and the consumption rights protection issues related to cases such as short video platforms inducing payment for micro dramas and college students "rectifying" unreasonable tableware fees are more prominent.

2.     中消协2023年第四季度消费维权舆情热点报告显示,消费者不满直播电商低俗”“虚假比价等问题,摇一摇跳转广告泛滥令消费者不堪其扰,短视频平台微短剧诱导付费,大学生整顿不合理餐具收费等有关案例涉及的消费维权问题较为突出。

3.According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, from January to December 2023, the national shipbuilding completion volume was 42.32 million deadweight tons, a year-on-year increase of 11.8%; The new order volume was 71.2 million deadweight tons, a year-on-year increase of 56.4%; As of the end of December. China's shipbuilding completion volume, new orders received, and handheld orders accounted for 50.2%, 66.6%, and 55.0% of the global total in deadweight tons, respectively. The international market share of the aforementioned indicators remains the world's first.

3.     工信部数据显示,20231-12月,全国造船完工量4232万载重吨,同比增长11.8%;新接订单量7120万载重吨,同比增长56.4%;截至12月底。我国造船完工量、新接订单量和手持订单量以载重吨计分别占全球总量的50.2%66.6%55.0%前述各项指标国际市场份额均保持世界第一。

4. According to the data of Tiktok E-commerce, in the past year, the GMV of the mall has increased by 277% year on year, and the number of authors whose accumulated GMV has exceeded 100000 yuan has exceeded 600000. In addition, Tiktok e-commerce helped to sell 4.73 billion agricultural specialty products, the number of e-commerce agricultural goods merchants increased by 83% year on year, and the number of agricultural goods merchants whose annual sales exceeded one million yuan exceeded 24000. There is still a lot of room for the development of comprehensive interest e-commerce.


5.According to the Canalys report, in the fourth quarter of 2023, global personal computer (PC) market shipments increased by 3% year-on-year, ending seven consecutive quarters of year-on-year decline. In 2023, the total global shipment of personal computers was 247 million units, a 13% decrease compared to the previous year. It is predicted that by 2027, the shipment volume of AI PCs will exceed 170 million units, of which nearly 60% will be deployed in the commercial sector.

5.Canalys报告指出,2023年第四季度,全球个人电脑(PC)市场出货量同比增长3%,结束了连续七个季度的同比下滑。2023年全年,全球个人电脑出货总量2.47亿台,环比下降13%。预测到2027年,AI PC出货量将超过1.7亿台,其中近60%将部署在商用领域。

6.According to China Finance Network, since January 12, 2024, at least five liquefied natural gas ships operating in Qatar heading towards the Red Sea end channel have been called off. Since the Red Sea crisis, the Houthi armed forces have not attacked any ships carrying natural gas, but Qatar's unwillingness to pass through the channel highlights the sharp increase in risk of the US led attack on the waterway.


7.According to data from the South Korean Ministry of Industry, the plan is to build the world's largest semiconductor industry cluster near Seoul, with a total investment of 622 trillion Korean won by 2047. The cluster will produce HBM, PIM, and other cutting-edge chips, with an estimated total production capacity of 7.7 million wafers per month. President Yoon Seok yeol has promised to extend the tax incentives for chip investment and also pledged support for infrastructure, including electricity and water supply.


8. Xiaomi applies for registration of trademarks such as "Xiaomi Automotive Super Factory" and "Xiaomi Titan", which are classified internationally as including metal materials, construction repairs, etc. The current trademark status is awaiting substantive examination. Previously, Lei Jun announced Xiaomi's self-developed alloy material "Xiaomi Titan Alloy" and stated that Xiaomi is the only car factory in China that has mass-produced self-developed alloy materials.


9. Apple Vision Pro currently has two interaction solutions for game developers. The first is a full gesture game that simulates touching virtual buttons through sound feedback; The second one is a fully compatible controller, which can not only be used for button operation, but also for visual tracking and positioning of the device's degrees of freedom. The operating experience is similar to the PSVR controller solution.

9.苹果Vision Pro针对游戏开发者目前有两种交互方案,第一个是全手势游戏,通过声音反馈模拟触碰虚拟按钮;第二个是完整兼容手柄控制器,不但可以用其进行按钮操作,也可以通过视觉对设备进行自由度跟踪定位,操作体验类似于psvr的手柄方案。

10.According to data from the South Korean Bureau of Statistics, since the start of relevant statistics in 2014, the number of elderly workers in South Korea's manufacturing industry has surpassed that of young people for the first time. The number of employees aged 60 and above in South Korean manufacturing reached approximately 599000, an increase of approximately 51000 compared to the previous month. The number of workers aged 15 to 20 was 555000, a year-on-year decrease of 33000.


