514. Sima Guang and the Water Tank

514. Sima Guang and the Water Tank

Sima Guang and the Water Tank

Once upon a time, there was a child named Sima Guang. He liked reading books.
One day, when he was reading under a tree, a few children came to ask him to play hide-and-seek.
One of the children covered his eyes with a handkerchief, and the others hid themselves quickly. Some hid behind the flowers, some behind the trees, and some on the rocks. When everyone was done hiding, the child looking removed the handkerchief and began to look for the others.
“Hey, there you are!”“嘿,找到你了!”
“Hey, Sima Guang, there you are!” “司马光,找到你啦!”
“You are awesome!”“你可真厉害!”

They were playing happily and they suddenly heard a “plunk” sound.
“Help!” “救命呀!”
Oh! No! A child fell into the water tank. 不好了!一个小孩掉进水缸了。
“Help me!” “救救我呀!”
There was a tank under the rocks.
“Help!” “救命呀!”
“Help me!” “救救我呀!”
This water tank was very big. The children had to stand on their tiptoes to see inside. The tank was full of water. The children was scared.
“We need to act quickly and save him! Or he’ll drown!” “我们得快些把他救上来!不然他就要淹死了!”
But we are short and weak and we cannot even see the inside of the water tank.
“Go find an adult. We are running out of time! What shall we do?” “去叫大人吧!时间来不及了!怎么办?”
Unlike the other children, Sima Guang did not cry or run. He stood in front of the water tank and thought for a while.
“I have an idea!” “我有办法了!”
Sima Guang ran into the yard and looked for something. He picked up many stones but threw each away. He was running and sweating anxiously. Finally, Sima Guang found the stone he needed. But what was he going to do with it?
“Yes! I can save him this way.” “这样一定能救出他。”
Sima Guang ran back, picked up the stone and threw it hard at the water tank. There was a cracking sound. The water tank was broken. There was a big hole on the side. Water flowed from the hole and ran out quickly. Now we know that Sima Guang was looking for stones to hit the water tank.
The child who fell into the water tank was finally saved, and returned to his parents safe and sound by the children.
“Don’t be naughty and climb into such a dangerous place next time!”
“Child, this time you were saved by Sima Guang. You should learn from him in the future!”

The story of Sima Guang and the water tank was spread gradually. Everyone said that Sima Guang was a clever and brave boy.
