歌曲:Smile(Dami Im)
法国人梅莉的印象中,a few years back,三亚 was a popular touristic place for the warmth。 但最近,却看到so many posts about Harbin(关于哈尔滨的帖子)!外媒感叹:Harbin tourism goes viral ! (哈尔滨旅游业爆火!)
虽然很冷,但是it’s totally worthy it!(很值), 尤其是冰雕the ice sculptures,美轮美奂。
只是去之前,make sure you stay warm(注意保暖)! 可以用hot packs(暖宝宝),还可以网上淘gloves with heaters,这是个聪明的好方法(a very clever approach)。
路透社Reuters、英国《太阳报》The Sun、每日邮报DailyMail,以及很多 local media outlets(地方媒体),all reported on this matter(都有报道)。
Harbin tourism has gone viral,而且还带火了一个term:southern spuds 或者southern potatoes (南方小土豆)。It’s trending online。
It’s a playful nod to the fact that many tourists look like potatoes when dressed in winter attire.
东北人都人高马大的,中国其他地区的人一穿winter attire(冬装),跟他们一比,就很像小土豆了。It’s a playful nod to … 这个用法很好,playful是指俏皮的,nod点头、致意,it’s a playful nod to sth.指对……轻松的调侃。
对于“南方小土豆”,外媒有的用southern spuds,有的用southern potatoes。Spud和potato,完全指同一种东西,只是potato是稍正规的叫法,spud更加活泼(lively)、更口语一点(more conversational)。
对很多城市来说,Harbin’s success story offers valuable lessons,非常值得学习。
They have many heartwarming gestures. 哈尔滨做了很多暖人心的举动。
比如,冻梨拼盘(frozen pearplatters)。
Harbin introduced frozen pear platters, making it more convenient for tourists to try. 哈尔滨推出了冻梨拼盘,方便游客品尝。
因为游客多到超出哈尔滨政府的预期(it exceeded the organizer’s expectations),所以it’s packed and busy(人多,好挤)。It’s really hard to secure taxis or ride hailing services.打车或叫车都很难。哈尔滨市民就自发组成“私家车车队”(private vehicles)免费接送游客。
• ride hailing service 网约车服务
• secure 获得
还有,哈尔滨还在很多广场建了warm stations(温暖站),providing warm places to rest。
When people said that the Ice and Snow World was cold, they sent cute boys to distribute(分配)hot sugar water.
还有,让南方游客觉得被宠到的是,甜豆腐脑 (the sweet doufu pudding)。
对北方人来说,we usually eat salty ones,所以,the sweet doufu pudding is exceptional(非常例外)。
Harbin is really treating tourists so well! 所以南方游客直呼:尔滨,有被你宠到!
哈尔滨本地人说: 哪是南方小土豆啊,明明是小金豆 (golden beans)!
Anyways, 哈尔滨的这种“用户思维”(user mindset),以及各种暖心的举动(heartwarming gestures),说明哈尔滨的爆火不仅仅只是运气。Harbin’s success story offers valuable lessons for us!祝福哈尔滨的冰雪经济再创高峰!
一席英语 回复 @ev_av: 👍🏻👍🏻