Clocks and more clocks 金老爷买钟(外教全英)

Clocks and more clocks 金老爷买钟(外教全英)






One day Mr. Higgins found a clock in the attic.

It looked very splendid standing there.

“How do I know if it’s correct?” he thought.

So he went out and bought another which he placed in the bedroom.

 “Three o’ clock,” said Mr.Higgins. “I’ll see if the other clock is right.”

He ran up to the attic, but the clock said one minute past three.

“How do I know which one is right?” he thought.

So he went out and bought another which he placed in the kitchen.

“Ten minutes to four, I’ll check the others.”

He ran up to the attic. The attic clock said eight minutes to four.

He ran down to the bedroom. The bedroom clock said seven minutes tofour.

“I still don’t know which one is right,” he thought.

So he went out and bought another which he placed in the hall.

“Twenty minutes past four,” he said.

And ran up to the attic. The attic clock said twenty-three minutes pastfour.

He ran down to the kitchen. The kitchen clock said twenty-five minutespast four.

He ran up to the bedroom. The bedroom said twenty-six minutes pastfour.

“This is no good at all,” thought Mr. Higgins.



And he went to the Clockmaker.

“My hall clock says twenty minutes past four, my attic clock saystwenty-three minutes past four, my kitchen clock says twenty-five minutes pastfour, my bedroom clock says twenty-six minutes past four, and I don’t knowwhich one is right!” said Mr. Higgins.

So the Clockmaker went to the house to look at the clocks.

The hall clock said five o’clock.

“There’s nothing wrong with this clock,” said the Clockmaker. “Look!”

The kitchen clock said one minute past five.

“There!” shouted Mr. Higgins. “Your watch said five o’ clock.”

“But it is one minute past now!” said the Clockmaker. ‘’Look!”

The bedroom clock said two minutes past five.

“Absolutely correct!” said the Clockmaker. “Look!”

The attic clock said three minutes past five.

“There’s nothing wrong with this clock either,” said the Clockmaker. “Look!”

“What a wonderful watch!” said Mr. Higgins.

And he went out and bought one.

And since he bought his watch. All his clocks have been right.


  • linbaozhu


    听友102945627 回复 @linbaozhu: 不是

  • Gina妈妈


  • 两生花_r1

    特别好听 寓言一样

  • 粉色泡抹

    Very good

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