


Now let’s meet some animals that help their offspring survive.

Wow, that is so beautiful. What the kind of bird is this?

This is an Eurasian Tawny owl.

Do owls lay eggs?

They do, they typically have one or two eggs per clutch.

How do the babies eat?

When they’re babies their parents take really good care of them.

Mum or dad will go out and hunt. And they will actually bring back the food.

Swallow it and then throw it up into the baby’s mouth.

How do the babies tell their parents they’re hungry.

So these guys when they are babies say they will make chirping noises.

And that is how mum knows when they’re hungry or they need something.

They can also hoot as a way to communicate with each other.

So when the baby owls chirp, then their mum owl knows, they need some food.

Exactly, just like us. When we want something from mum or dad, we make some noise,

Same things with these guys.

How long do they live with their parents?

They live with their parents for the first few months, then they could fly on their own.

