

exposition is an important kind of writing that informs or explains
Illustration is the method of using examples to support or develop ideas under discussion
3⃣Process analysis
Process analysis is a step by step explanation of how to do something,how something works,how something is done or how something happened.
There are two types. they are directive process analysis and informative process analysis
4⃣Cause and effect
Cause and effect is a common method of organizing and discussing ideas in an expository essay
5⃣Comparison and contrast
Comparison and contrast is a method of developing a paragraph or an essay.
Comparison focuses on the similarities while the contrast focuses on differences.
Sometimes the comparison can refer to both comparison and contrast.
Classification is the method of grouping objects, people and ideas systematically .
Definition is the explanation of meaning a word or a concept
Definition is also a method of developing an essay in which we make clear our own personal understanding of a term or a concern.
Analogy is a special form of comparison in which the writer explains something unfamiliar by comparing it to something familiar with the hope that the unfamiliar becomes more clearly understood.

�Informs and explains
Exposition is an important kinds of writing that informs or explains
�Using examples
Illustration is a method of using examples to support or develop ideas under discussion
3⃣Process analysis流程分析
�步骤,How to do,两类
Process analysis is a step by step explanation of how something works, how to do something ,or how something happened
There are two types ,and they are directive process analysis and informative process analysis
4⃣Cause and effect因果关系
�Organize and discuss,讨论组织
Cause and effect is a common method of organizing or discussing ideas in an exposition tory essay
5⃣Comparison and contrast,对比比较
Comparison and contrast is a common method of developing paragraph or essay
Comparison focuses on similarities while contrast focus on differences .
sometimes the comparison can refer to both comparison and contrast
�Grouping …systematically,系统的分
Classification is the method of grouping objects people and ideas systematically
�Explanation of the meaning of concept,understanding
Definition is the explanation of the meaning of the word or concept .下定义是指对词语或者说概念的意思做解释
Definition is also a method of developing an essay in which we make clear our own personal understanding of a term or a concept
Analogy is special form Of comparison in which the writer explains something for unfamiliar by comparing it to something familiar with the hope That the unfamiliar becomes more clearly understood
