笔记:prodigy /ˈprɑːdɪdʒi/ n. 奇才,天才
child prodigy 神童
除了genius,我们也可以用prodigy来表示奇才,天才的意思。child prodigy就是神童啦。
He read in the paper about a mathematical prodigy who was attending university at the age of twelve.
hyp·o·crite /ˈhıpəˌkrıt/ noun disapproving : a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs the hypocrites who criticize other people for not voting but who don't always vote themselves.
go your separate ways 1 : to end a relationship with someone After 20 years of marriage, they decided to go their separate ways. 2 : to go in different directions after being together After dinner we went our separate ways.
go your separate ˈways to end a relationship with sb 断绝往来;分道扬镳 to go in a different direction from sb you have been travelling with 分路而行;分手
fly in the ointment : someone or something that causes problems We're almost ready to start work. Getting the permit is the only fly in the ointment.
a/the fly in the ˈointment a person or thing that spoils a situation or an occasion that is fine in all other ways 扫兴的人;煞风景的事物