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  • 红叶o_O

    Global View - Global Warming (C0102) A: And therefore, global warming is the greatest de￾ception of the early 21st century. Questions? B: Uh… yeah. In the lecture you said there’s more evidence in the scientific record supporting global cooling?

  • Kailyn要坚持


  • 红叶o_O

    B: Yeah, and a duplicitous one at that. Everyone knows you’re in the pocket of the oil lobby. Why should we trust your so-called findings more than tobacco institute studies which say smoking doesn’t harm health? You’re full of it. A: Some people just cannot handle civil debate!

  • 红叶o_O

    A: Why, I’ve never been so disrespected in all of my days. I’m a professor, a scientist and researcher of high regard.

  • 红叶o_O

    B: Yeah, like conservation, protecting endangered species and investing in renewable energy. At the very least, you have to concede that this debate has the potential to end our dependence on for￾eign oil. Buying oil supports autocratic countries that use these revenues to devastating ends.

  • 红叶o_O

    B: But even without the uncomfortable reality that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide contribute to global warming, isn’t the topic appropriate for politicians to discuss? A: Not if they want to use your tax dollars and mine to fund completely unnecessary initiatives.

  • 红叶o_O

    Look, it’s an indis￾putable fact that the public is being manipulated and scared into believing there’s some kind of climate crisis; this scaremongering is done, quite simply, for political reasons.

  • 红叶o_O

    A: Young lady, I beg to differ. Look, the point of the lecture was to emphasize that there is evi￾dence for both sides, and I’m putting forth the ar￾gument that there’s greater evidence in support of the global cooling hypothesis.

  • 红叶o_O

    B: You’ll be misled. If you were serious, you would look at the record starting in the 1880’s. Then you would see how dramatically the earth’s tem￾perature has changed.

  • 红叶o_O

    B: If that’s true and the planet is getting cooler, what explains the rapid melting of the polar ice caps and the dramatic rise in the global average temperatures? A: But are global temperatures rising? If you look at the data from nineteen seventy-five you’ll…