第2038期:How Do You Say That Name Again?

第2038期:How Do You Say That Name Again?


News reporters, politicians and public figures have had trouble saying some of the words that relate to the top stories of the year year. Last week, the online language learning company Babbel released its lists of the most mispronounced words in the United States and Britain. 

新闻记者、政治家和公众人物在说出一些与年度头条新闻相关的词语时遇到了困难。 上周,在线语言学习公司 Babbel 发布了美国和英国最容易发音错误的单词列表。 

The two lists are a reminder of the year’s news on everything from scientific discoveries to politics. 


Babbel teacher Malcolm Massey noted the diversity of the words. This year’s words come from several different languages. 

Babbel 老师 Malcolm Massey 注意到了单词的多样性。 今年的词汇来自几种不同的语言。 

"I think a lot of it is due to how close our cultures have become because of how globalized things are," Massey said. 


A popular singer who spells her name S-Z-A is on the U.S. list. Babbel notes her name is pronounced SIZ-uh,[short I sound]. 

一位将她的名字拼写为 S-Z-A 的流行歌手出现在美国名单上。 Babbel 注意到她的名字发音为 SIZ-uh,[短 I 音]。

The first name of another entertainer is also on the list. Cillian Murphy is an Irish actor who starred in this summer's hit as physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. His first name is pronounced KI-lee-uhn. 

另一位艺人的名字也在名单上。 希里安·墨菲 (Cillian Murphy) 是一位爱尔兰演员,在今年夏天的热门影片中饰演物理学家 J·罗伯特·奥本海默 (J. Robert Oppenheimer)。 他的名字发音为 KI-lee-uhn。 

Other pronunciations on the U.S. list include the name of biotech businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, who is a Republican presidential candidate. The correct way to say his name is Vih-VAKE Rah-mah-SWAH-me. 

美国名单上的其他发音包括共和党总统候选人、生物技术商人维韦克·拉马斯瓦米 (Vivek Ramaswamy) 的名字。 他名字的正确发音是 Vih-VAKE Rah-mah-SWAH-me。

Two volcanoes were also on the list — Mexico's Popocatepetl, (Poh-poh-kah-TEH-peh-til), and Hawaii's Kilauea, (Kee-lou-EY-uh). 

两座火山也在名单上——墨西哥的波波卡特佩特火山 (Poh-poh-kah-TEH-peh-til) 和夏威夷的基拉韦厄火山 (Kee-lou-EY-uh)。 

The winning word at this year’s Scripps National Spelling Bee also made the U.S. list. That word was psammophile (SAM-uh-file.) It means any animal or plant that prefers sandy soils or areas. 

今年斯克里普斯全国拼字比赛的获胜词也进入了美国名单。 这个词是 psammophile(SAM-uh-file)。它的意思是任何喜欢沙质土壤或地区的动物或植物。 

The coronation of King Charles in May helped put the Stone of Scone, (Stown uhv Skoon), on Britain’s list. The holy stone rests beneath the Coronation Chair where a new king first receives his crown. 

查尔斯国王五月的加冕礼使司康石 (Stown uhv Skoon) 跻身英国名录。 圣石位于加冕椅下方,新国王在这里首次接受加冕。 

Kristie Denlinger teaches linguistics at the University of Texas in Austin. She said hearing an unfamiliar word often enough can help someone master it. 

克里斯蒂·丹林格 (Kristie Denlinger) 在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校教授语言学。 她说,经常听到一个不熟悉的单词可以帮助人们掌握它。 

"Anything that is kind of different from what a speaker is used to, they can learn how to pronounce things in different ways than what they're used to, it just takes more exposure," Denlinger said.


Massey said that as one learns a new pronunciation, it is important to "not stress perfection but progress over time, so practicing these words again and again." 


In some cases, the correct pronunciation is just a matter of personal choice. Earning a place on the U.S. list was the last name of Travis Kelce, the Kansas City Chiefs' American football player. Whether Kelce should be pronounced with one or two syllables, Kels or KEL-See, has been a subject even his own family talks about. 

在某些情况下,正确的发音只是个人选择的问题。 在美国名单上占有一席之地的是堪萨斯城酋长队的美国橄榄球运动员特拉维斯·凯尔斯 (Travis Kelce) 的姓氏。 Kelce 应该用一个音节还是两个音节发音,Kels 还是 KEL-See,甚至是他自己的家人也在谈论的话题。

Both Travis and his brother, Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce, say their last name as KEL-see. On a podcast, they discussed with their father, Ed Kelce, how that pronunciation came to be. 

特拉维斯和他的兄弟、费城老鹰队中锋杰森·凯尔斯都说他们的姓氏是“KEL-see”。 在播客上,他们与父亲埃德·凯尔斯讨论了这个发音是如何形成的。 

"I got tired of correcting people," said Ed Kelce, who said that his co-workers always called him KEL-see. 


Jason Kelce then asks: "Should we go by Kels or KEL-see?" His father answers: "Do whatever you want. I did." Jason Kelce 

然后问道:“我们应该叫 Kels 还是 KEL-see?” 他的父亲回答:“你想做什么就做什么。我做到了。” 

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