Now there was a voice-a very low voice-In jun Joe's: "Damn(该死的) her, maybe she's got company-there's lights, late as it is.""I can't see any." This was that stranger's voice-the stranger of the haunted house. A deadly chill (恐惧)went to Huck's heart-this, then, was the "revenge(报仇,复仇)" job! His thought was, to fly. Then he remembered that the Widow Douglas had been kind to him more than once, and maybe these men were going to murder her. He wished he dared venture to warn her; but he knew he didn't dare-they might come and catch him. He thought all this and more in the moment that elapsed(消逝,过去) between the stranger's remark and Injun Joe's next一which was- "Because the bush is in your way. Now-this way-now you see, don't you?"